
Showing posts from October, 2020

Take Time For YOU

1. Focus on your goals. Day in and day out we get grind. When do you focus on your goals and take time aside to work on them? Who do you have that can make sure your keeping up on your goals? Do you have someone you can relate to to help out each other? 2. Take time solo. There's nothing like taking a day and having a solo day to just have a date with yourself and get to know yourself better. 3. Start your day with gratitiude. Have you really said how grateful you are to be alive? When you spend time for you, sometimes taking life in and appreciating the little things about being alive sometimes makes up feel joy. 4. Indulge a ittle bit. Always remember that taking itme to enjoy something that makes you happy is worth it. Everything in moderation is key. Balance is everything. Keep your eyes peeled to find more self love in your life. As we stick to our goals, keep your senses open for times that you see yourself or life differently. Moments when we relfec

You Should Take This to Heart

Pulse is one of the most important factors to tracking your health. It's important to monitor it on a daily basis. Taking a look at your Resting Heart Rate is when you are asleep and depending on the BPM this number can act as a good indicator to preventing many at risk diseases. Heart Disease is the #1 killer in the US and in the world can can be prevented just by changing some lifestyle factors like cutting out drinking soda and alcohol, eliminating smoking, portion control and maybe adding in more fruits and vegeatbles and eliminating fried, processed foods can also help our artieries, viens and essentially our heart. Along with incoorporating exercise, changing your lifestyle to improve your heart health is something everyone should take to heart.

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Did you know that the body makes up 2/3 of your body? Normal hydration levels is essential for your body to be in tip top shape. Everything from body temperature, regulating digestion, transporting oxygen to your organs and cells and so much more has to do with proper hydration levels and I bet you that you are dehydrated right now. Believe it or not, staying hydrated can help you lose weight and being dehydrated has a severe impact on mental abilities and cognitive focus. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, poor skin elasticity and decreased joint mobility. It's not about how much water you drink but how much water you retain! When you drink water, it remains in the stomach for 10 minutes before being absorbed into the large intestines. If you drink on an empty stomach or between meals it takes about 20 minutes for the large intestines to absorb. IF YOU HAVE FOOD IN YOUR STOMACH OR INTESTINES, THE TIME IT TAKES FOR YOUR BODY TO PROCESS THE LIQUID YOU DRINK INCREASES.

Calorie Intake

Calorie Intake is a number of calories your body gets from food and drinks. In other words, it's the volume of energy your body gains during digestion. The full overall energy you gain is when the digestion process is complete. That is why it is SO CRUCIAL that you take probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes. It takes 5-6 hours for the body to completely digest food although we can feel the effects of food (sugar spike or carb intake) almost instantly. By tracking your calories it can give you additional information regarding label reading and how important that is for anyone to understand their body and make a coorect food program that works with them. Everyone digest food differently so we are all different when it ocmes to our food programs. but, heres some tips before you go to keep you enlightened about this topic. 1. Fat is an organic compound which consists of glycerol and fatty acids, needed to produce and maintain the body's energy reserves. 2. Protein

Controlling your Energy Balance

Energy balance is measuring how much energy you take in vs. how much energy you give out. Throughout the day is is vey important to track your energy levels in order to measure out an even balance. Energy balance can help aid with weight loss loss as many apps like MYFITPAL can track your meals and calories but even better, a fitness tracker can calculate your glucose levels so naturally can tell how many calories you've taken in and how many you've burned. Optimal energy is what the focus should be so at the end of the day the number should be 0 unless of course you're trying to lose weight then the # should be -0 or gaining weight which the # should be +0. Lifestyle facotrs such as sleeping, activities, exercise, hydration and emotional state all play an important role in your overall energy.

Why Stress Management is Crucial for Quality of Life

Stress is a body's reaction to positive or negative events pushing one out of comfort. A stress reaction is a natural mechanism of adaptation to any changes, not necessarily caused by our motions. It can be provoked for example by enviornment, others around you, unexplained circumstances or occurances that happen. Whatever the culprit, the body spends time being used up by this excessive stress. Followed with tiredness, insomnia, focus deficit, decreased efficiency, and many other negative effects. In order to moderate stress it is very easy to do so by having a fitness tracker that can measure your stress on a 1-5 scale and that way you can manage your stress before it gets out of control. It is very important to note that the impact your body has when too much stress has occured. Your body will be drained of it's resources so be more mondfull of where your stress comes fromand track or journal your thoughts.

The Importance of Sleep

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) is a light sleep stage ieal to wake up feeling refreshed and well rested. The stage is characterized by a random movement of eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body, occurence of vivid dreams. By monitoring your sleep patterns this can identify when you are in a REM state as well as any distrubances thorughout the night that could be casuing sleep delay. By measuring your sleep on a daily, weekly and monthly basis this can be a serious game changer to help those needing help in balancing their time managment to dedicate more time to sleeping. Exercise can definetly help with sleep as well as Magnesium and Melatonin taken 30 minutes before bed. Limiting caffiene and alcohol as well as prioitizing time to really focus on sleep is very important.

7 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Activity Tracker

Wearable activity trackers are HUGE with dozens of modalities that can help you trememndously to stay accountable. But, just in case you need a couple of motivators to help push you to purchase one, here ya go... 1. What are your goals? Do you want to be more active, lose weight or improve your overall health? A fitness tracker can help you obtan all of these goals on top of tracking your sleep, stress, glucose levels, steps, hydration, calories, carbs, fat, protien and more! LIKE WOAH! 2. It's easy. You just wear it and and make sure you charge the battery. Yes, tracking your info on the app is a wise decision but being able to have friends and your coach join can be a serious game changer. 3. Using a tracker device gives you scientific data that measures your numbers that you can always come back to and measure to compare to in order to make sure your staying accountable to your goals. 4. Activity trackers can be stylish and fun to find the one that fits you. So, w

Blooming into the New You

Bloom where you are planted, yes; but bloom with grace as you understand the changes in seasons that pedals eventually shed off and regrow when it's necessary. Bloom with compassion. Bloom with acceptance. And, bloom knowing that youre allowed to change. Change your goals, change your body, change your career, change your mind, change your interests. change your boundaries, change your ambitions, change your values, change your plans. Bloom. Knowing your allowed to pick up and replant your roots over and over again.

Changing Through Discomfort

Theres a point where you have to step out of your comfort zone in order to grow. This is called discomfort. Step forward into growth and choose to never settle. You get to create who you want to become. Feed your entities with positive thinking, emotional understanding and recognition of mindful awarenenss and acceptance. I believe in order to accomplish full nourishment our bodies, minds and hearts must align properly. It's this balance and harmony that leads to internal peace.

Healing into our True Form

It's all about healing those dark places in both heart and mind and bringing the light in and letting warmth release from the cold. Healing from a childhood trauma? Healing into the woman you're yet to become? Healing from within in self discovery is never bound or limited is a layered process. But, beginning with self talk and recognizing the patterns of how the body is defined by what the mind percieves is the most powerful tool to have. Healing into a new mind and body is more desireable to us all but becoming a more valuable person from within is where the true growth and development takes place.

Skinny can be Strong and Curvy can be Fit!

Skinny can be strong! Curvy can be Fit! Muscualr/Athletic can be feminine! In reality, it doesn't matter what your build or make is. Society doesn't define what you are capable of. Do what makes you happy. Build your body the way you want to. Don't let societal standards control your perception of yourself. Regardless of what your body looks like, being a woman is powerful yet delicate and imperfect. Don't be the woman that society tell you to be. Be the woman YOU want to be.

Hypropressive Stomach Vacuming Techinique

Add caption  Hypropressive Stomach Vacuuming is an effective method to recover and restore your core and pelvic floor muscles.  Hypropressive also reduces anxiety, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. The Hypropressive activity is exercising the transverse abdominal corset muscles which is essential to strengthen throughout life for essential health. This is a training method that I do daily for 5-10 minutes and it is very easy to do. You can do it either standing, sitting, bent over or on your hands and knees.  Simply inhale and suck in your stomach and flex your core muscles for 5 seconds and then exhale by letting everything relax.   Repeat 4-5 times and that's it!  

The Self Discovery Process

  The Self Discovery Process: The learning experience of losing who you are in order to re-discover the new you and the becoming of whom you were meant to be can be discomforting. Letting go of the past in order to open a new door just takes one step to move forward and that one step is the hardest step to take sometime.  To become the best version of yourself there has to be a "push and pull" effect that we have within ourselves in order to continue growing and improving.  Who you are on the inside blooms, sheds it's leaves, remains bare for a moment and then re-blooms into the new. You have one life to live, one chance, this one opportunity to exist and be fully present in your life.  Honesty and truth is in your power so own it and discovery yourself again and again.

The PROS & CONS of Big Gyms, Boutique Gyms and at Home Workouts

  Big Gyms: PROS: Great place to socialize, 24-7 service, get all services and equipment under 1 roof, lots of extracurricular group classes, personal training, pool, spa, restaurant, reasonable membership fee, lots of parking, daycare, additional membership perks. CONS:  Great place to catch germs, have to share equipment and wait your turn, crowded, loud, lots of distractions. Boutique Gyms: Add caption PROS:  Great place to socialize yet have a quiet, sanitized private location where you don't have to share the equipment as much and you have a private personal trainer give you a session but might cost more.  CONS:  Less equipment, less amenities, less space, more expensive membership fees, limited parking space, limited hours open. At Home Workouts: PROS:  Your area and space, your germs, your equipment, your rules, never need to drive anywhere, deal with membership fees, have to share anything (except with your family) and it's on your time schedule. CONS:  Little to n

Pre and Post Nutrition

Try to aim for 20-30 grams of protein per meal.   Pre-Workout Nutrition    20-30 grams of  protein f you don't eat enough before and after your workout, then you'll get light headed and dizzy from low glucose levels.  You should consume protein, fiber, fat and complex carbs 2 hours before training. 30 minutes is OK also for a quick meal right before a workout just in case your in a hurry.  Also, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated before your workout so while you sweat, you'll have already hydrated the body to gear up for eliminating fluids in the body. Post Workout Nutrition.  20-30 grams of protein  Eating 30-60 minutes post workout will give your muscles the optimal nutrition they need to replenish themselves.  After a workout, your body is in an excessive state of having an over consumption of oxygen in the body and in this state your body needs nutrients in order to clean and repair any damage that has been made.  Not only that, but lactic acid is cascading througho

A Note on Dieting

 Let's start by reframing from using that word Diet.  First, it has the word "die" in it which all together is downright creepy.  The term "healthier eating habits" sounds like that is more fitting. Nutrition is important to achieving your goals.  Eating foods that are fresh and non-processed is probably your best bet to achieving optimal health.   Your goal is to dial in your calories by tracking your food, tracking your portions and tracking what time you ate at.  That way you can see any eating bad habits that you may have and exchange them for healthier eating habits. If you want to build muscle and tone your body, then you must consume more calories than you burn on a daily basis.

The 8 Fundamentals of Lifting

Hey my Strength Sister!   Here are 8 core principals to keep in mind before you lift weights. Let's stay strong together! 1.  Always engage in your core by imagining your belly button being pulled in towards your spine 2.  Never skip a warm up or a cold own. 3.  Be safe and have a spotter when you are lifting. 4.  Do not drop your weights.  Gently place them on the floor. 5.  Keep your rest and recovery in mind. 6.  Work out different planes of motion in your body. Sagittal plane is the left and right side of the body.  Example:  walking, running. Frontal plane is front and back of the body.  Example:  Jumping jacks and lunges. Trasnverse plane is the top and bottom of the body.  Example:  twisting and swinging. 7.  Track your progress daily.  Your workouts, water, diet, emotions, sleep ect. 8.  STAY HYDRATED!!

6 Tips to Maintaining a Life of Lifting

There are plenty of motivating factors that can keep you connected to your workouts and your WHY but do you have a list written in front of you to remind you on a constant basis?   Here's my list to my WHY and it's taped up in my office.  What would your list look like and where would you place it at in your home? 1.  Don't lift for aesthetics. 2.  Listen to your body. 3.  Dedicate time for recovery. 4.  Get a Coach/Personal Trainer. 5.  Switch the workouts up so I'm always learning. 6.  Keep it moving...move it or lose it!

Why Rest Days are Important

 (DOMS) stands for delayed onset muscle soreness which happens 1-2 post workout. In order for the body to be at it's best we MUST  find a balance in life.  Rest is the most important thing out of anything I can think of.  And in order to not overtrain, stretch, damage and damage the immune system, we must repair, rejuvinate, rehydrate, eat nutritiously, think positively balance (work, family, self) and most importantly have rest days. I recently have been traveling to CA just to have rest days where I stay in the hotel and just simply rest.  Spa day, poolside, lounging, cat napping.  This is all essential for proper growth.

Warm Up vs. Cool Down

 Ever thought why a warming up and cooling down the body is essential throughout the day?  It's the same method as to why bodybuilders warm up backstage before they go on stage to pose. Warm-Up When we achieve proper blood flow throughout the body, we stay feeling our best.  We warm up to prevent injuries from occurring and by elevating the heart rate slightly early in the morning (while fasted) for 5-10 minutes can drastically make a difference in oxygenating our blood. Cool-Down This is just as important as warming up the body In order for us to sleep well, we must slow down the body by stretching, breathing, journaling our emotions and meditating.  When our mind, body and soul have relaxed, the body is at peace and can repair in a harmonious state.

When and How often Should I Workout?

 Depending on your goals and lifestyle knowing when and how often to workout depends on a couple of questions? What type of routine do you like to do in the morning? When do you have the most energy during the day? Are you more focused in the morning, afternoon or evening? 2-3 days a week working out for 30-90 minutes is average but I like to do some form of activity everyday.  Everyday I have a certain level of energy that isn't the same everyday so when I need a rest day, I take it.  I listen to my body and allow my battery to recharge whenever possible.  Especially when I am menstrating, sick, haven't slept well, traveling or jet lagged I definitely take it easy on my body so I can rest and recoup easier.

Identifying with your Goals

 Identifying with your goals is about to go even further with understanding your WHY zone. Something inside of you is unlike anyone else and there is a SMART code that I'd like to share with you. S.pecific Targets M.easurable Goals A.ttainable Levels R.easlistic Outcomes T.ime Sensitive  Depending on when you achieve your goals is focused towards you inside and out and no one else.

9 Benefits of Weight Training

 1.  Increased Strength.  Everything in your body builds stronger muscles, muscle tissues, ligaments, joints and bones.  You're able to lift heavier objects and get tasks done more effectively. 2.  Increased energy.  Weightlifting releases hormones in your body that signals your brain to wake up.  These happy endorphins give you a natural boost of energy.  That's why most people like to work out first thing in the morning. 3.  Increased metabolic rate.  Having more overall muscle mass this allows you to burn calories even at rest. 4.  Increased bone density.  Working muscles attach to the bone which strengthens the bones increasing their density.  It's a 2 for 1 bonus! 5.  Increased cognitive ability.  Strength training makes you smarter.  You're brain works differently when you are strength training.  Improves mode, self esteem, a result of happy hormones (endorphins) being released in the brain.   6.  Increased cardiovascular capacity.  When you train it increases you