
Showing posts from January, 2018

My Mind Playing Tricks on Me

Ya know, I LOVE to eat! If it's covered in icing and sprinkles and has a hole in the middle OMG you better stay away.  I mean, TV Sugar Davis was my nickname when I was a kid. I ate everything and anything I wanted when I was little until cavities and weight got the best of me and that's when I became aware of how much I loved to eat. It's not like I was morbidly obese by no means.  Just around 30+ needing to be lost when I was a teenager and that wasn't the problem.  What the problem was was the inner reasons as to why my weight became a problem and that's when psychological reasons (or lack of better terms my Pandora's Box) came about. We ALL have different relationships towards food and no one is the same but my to my unknown explanation it became apparent that when digesting red meat at a young age I would be succumb to being in the bathroom for hours afterwards with a stomach ache.  And while my parents most of the time were yelling and screaming wi