
Showing posts from April, 2019

Taking a Walk on the Wild Side with an exact replica of Alexander Supertramp!

Taking a Walk on the Wild Side with an exact replica of Alexander Supertramp! When stopping in Palmdale today for a coffee and some gas I saw this man carrying a large amount of mountain gear and didn’t think anything of it until he was talking to the cashier. I couldn’t help but overhear Chris talking to the cashier at the gas station as he was purchasing a Bang at the counter and he was discussing about his 2,650 mile hike and I definitely did a head spin....WHAT?!?  I couldn't help but be amazed that this young man was just walking away into the mountainside back into his journey with his trustworthy hiking sticks while everyone else got into their A/C comfy cars with their coffee's and snacks.  I felt an instant urge to go share his story with others because of such an instant shock I got when realizing exactly what this guy was doing.  So I went and drove up to him to take a picture and blog about what he was doing for everyone to be inspired to take a risk

Why Eating a "Cheat Treat" Can Help You Lose Weight

Why Enjoying a Cheat Treat Is Very Important to Lose Weight Cheat Treats do make you stronger so don’t ever think I do t love crap food!  My coach makes it very important to feel good about yourself and build your strength by enjoying a “cheat treat” once in a while. Did you see how I did not mention Or didn’t say “Cheat Day” or “Cheat Meal” my coach always emphasized that. So why indulge in a high fatty sugary caloric treat  😊  so it can help you make gains?  Is it the food or the calories? It’s the calories!!  Eating things like vegetables, fish and sweet potatoes everyday has little calories vs. a surplus of calories in 1 tiny treat (even if its a McDonald’s burger or apple pie). These bat fats will be destroyed in the next days or week for your “bad fat” to turn and convert is as energy to convert that and use it as fuel while training. Gaining weight?  Butter, almond butter, milk, cream, egg yolks are all high in calorie density and can also be exchang

How Many Times Have You Tried To Lose Weight?

How may times have you tried to lose weight? How many times have you attempted to lose weight and failed?  As we age, it becomes more difficult to lose weight.  When our goals plateau and all we want is a happy ending then would you at least give a little confidence towards me helping you?  Can I have your undivided attention? I used to be a Junk Food Junkie, Sugar Phene and I struggled with ADHD, ADD and never cared about my health.  But, problems like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, Depression, Insomnia all hit me at the young age of 15. Which only was a blessing is disguise, I realized I had to get my focus on changing my lifestyle then my health and weight was obvious first (weighting 165lbs) and then the weight eventually came off.  My weight was a symptom of my unhappy mind which is a natural process to conserve fat that as humans we do to survive.  But being overweight is the top of the iceberg to being too much for most. The hormones that make you ga

6 Fat Burning Hormones for Weight Loss

Six Fat Burning Trigger Hormones  Thyroid Hormones- Primarily T3 which T3 is the “active form” does all the work and converts to liver, kidney and gallbladders  Thyroid Hormone-T4 doesn’t do this.  But bile can increase conversion rates when it’s filled with fatty acids.  Which is you don’t have a gallbladder it’s impossible to trigger T3.  Iodine, Seaweed, Selenium and Kelp can help activate the T3 and T4. GH  Growth Hormone MOST IMPORTANT MADE BY THE PITUITARY AND THE LIVER.  this will help you burn fat at night but doing HIIT Training, sleep, fasting, amino acid arginine, can keep cortisol and sugar levels low.  Will help burn fat fast.  Hormones IGF goes after your fat and is activated when you are fasting. IGF Hormone and Intermittent Fasting Speeding up the metabolism can activate the fat burning mechanism IGF made by the liver throughout the day.  Eating clean and keeping a daily exercise regime and drinking over a gallon a day will help and keep this

MDFIt Products For Sale to Help You With Your Fitness Goals!

MDFit Products for Sale!! Muscle Strengthening is something I think is very important to do to tone, lose weight and be able to track your progress accurately.  So, I wanted to come out with Fitness products that I used and believed in.  Helping others, I have to study and use the product first before I put it out on the marketplace for sale.  That way I can assure that I trust each and every product I sell 100% GUARANTEED! My MDFit Products have only blossomed into what is going to be an amazing company filled with all sorts of Body Transformational Tools to help you stay accountable of everything in your life.  MDFit Resistance Bands I use my Resistance Bands especially first thing in the morning, while I am traveling or if I am standing in line and have some time to kill.  Better than being on my phone scrolling social media grab a resistance band and get to pumping up your arms. Each kit comes with 5 different strength resistance bands ranging from 10-15-20-2

Having Difficulty Gaining Weight?

Having Difficulty Gaining Weight? My metabolism is so fast that I constantly need to eat some sort of fat  every 2 hours when I am coming out of competition mode.  It's actually more difficult getting your body back to normal after a competition than it is getting into competition mode so it is very crucial for me to gain weight as safe, clean and quickly as possible. I've not always been lean, especially when I was a teenager at 16 I was at my heaviest which was 165lbs.  It wasn't until I left my High School and went to a different school that my whole life changed and so did my body.   Eating healthy foods that contain "Healthy Fats" is always a great way to look at cheating and enjoying life to the fullest.  Coconuts, nuts, dates, avocados are all amazing fats.   The smartest way I gain weight is also by weighting myself first thing in the morning and tracking it to make sure that my weight is increasing.  I finally find that gaining weight to in

What's My Plan After Competing?

What’s my Plan After Bodybuilding? There's only a short period of time that a person can continue competing so when the heels and bikini are hung in the closet for good, what happens next in my life to keep me going?   Being a Bodybuilder is for life no matter what and that never goes away but keeping the lean physique and competing can only be maintained mentally and physically for a certain period of time before health issues start arriving if you don't quit at some point.  So for me, having a serious life plan for when I decide to retire from Bodybuilding, it a very important that I stay focused NOW and to implement and to save for later down the road when it actually happens.    I would ultimately like to retire when I am in my early 40's and to be become a Life Coach and Personal Trainer.  My heart is centered towards helping seniors staying active and teaching them how important it is to keep your bones and muscle strong by continuing working out f

Conforming in the Corporate World and How to Make a Living on Your Own Terms

Conforming in the Corporate World & How to Make a L iving on Your Own Terms Wether the E-Trading in the Stock Market, Flipping Real Estate or selling Antiques on EBay  there is money to be made everywhere.  Especially now since there are online businesses that are controlled through your Smart Phone like Uber, Airbnb or Postmark, being your own boss has become a real life dream that is easier than before.   At our fingertips are possibilities where conforming yourself in the corporate world no longer needs to be.  Especially since you take a look at all the robotic systems that are taking away the "Old Fashion" Jobs and now employees working at a job are become harder to find. This really can hurt people and cause society to be feeling inadequate and relishing in lives loathing in depression not happiness and creating stress trying to learn all the new forms of technology that comes out just to keep a job is become more and more difficult to keep up with.