
Showing posts from October, 2018

Creating Your Happiness

It's not selfish wanting happiness.  Its essential and you deserve it.  When searching for happiness, here are some questions I ask myself. Where do you look? What are your intentions to better yourself? Do you know all of your choices in life or are you following the pack? Do you love with everything you have? Do you know who and what you want? Have you faced your demons? What kind of people do you want in your life? Who and what will you sacrifice your energy for? Take the necessary action steps for you to move forward  and not stray from where your Northern Star leads you.  In a life full of chaos and emptiness is in the horizon.  Go out and chase it! Right now, at this moment you get to decide.  You have a right to choose your path and your path is a powerful choice that can change your perception in miraculous ways. Heres a group pic of my Team Platinum Physiques as we all got checked in last year for the Steve Karr Classic Competition.  We each had such

9 Days Out from the Steve Karr Classics Competition

This was me and my bestie Tessa exactly 1 year ago last year when we both had our 1st competition ever in Bikini at the Steve Karr Classics Competiton in Las Vegas with our team Platinum Physiques.  Boy, was I a zombie!  My family came out to support me and it was definitely not easy. Now, I'm competing in Figure and it's been such a growing experience mentally, physically and spiritually.  Even better, I know what to expect with the low energy crashes and I've changed my diet around a lot! I'm still in shock that this was only 1 year ago and I had lost my beloved sister to breast cancer just 5 months before this competition took place.  I go back competing with more magnitude towards being grateful for my friends and family who are still in my life. 9 Days out and I still can't believe it's been since January since my last blog.  BOY!!!  Do I have a lot of catching up to do.  My passion is sharing my Fitness Adventures and life Journeys to inspire oth