
Showing posts from March, 2020

Real Talk Babes

Do I have a 6 pack?  Sometimes. Do I have cellulite?  Yes. Does my weight fluctuate?  All the time. Do I ever cheat on my diet?  Oh yes. Do I have days I feel unmotivated?  You bet. Do I love myself anyways?  Absolutely! You can fix your exteriors but internally is the sole purpose you should focus on.  Healthy living is a sense of self love.  Healthy inside radiates healthy outside and you can't focus on one without the other being in place. You life is a sum of the choices you continuously make.  Those choices overtime form habits both good and bad.  What are you repeating to get you to where you are right now? Everyday you wake up and you are given another chance to be better, stronger and kinder.  To be the best version of yourself.  Fight for what you love.  Tomorrow is never guaranteed so change your story. First part is overcoming any struggle in believing that you're worth the fight.   Be the light that you wish to see in the world.  You get what you

How to Eat Healthy During Quarantine

I know it's hard not to become tested by all the snacks, pizza, ice cream, chips, cookies in out home especially when it's easy right now because we might be tempted to very easily. Right now is the perfect time to test your discipline, build healthy habits and stick to your goals.  Start training your mind to eat healthy foods and say no to temptation.  so here's a few tip I have to staying on track. 1.  Plan out your meals. Especially when snacking is so easy to linger into our day.  Be sure to meal plan and prep your meals accordingly to your food program.  A snack like an apple or a handful of nuts is a great idea but just watch your portion size. 2.  Portion Control. By planning your meals, try to weigh them also.  You don't necessarily need a food scale but by judging wether it's a carb (palm size) fat (thumb size) or protein (fist size) you should be able to correctly measure how much of each you need. 3.  Sugar. There is sugar and sugar al

My Feelings During the Quarantine

What started as a quarantine I grew into having aspects of my life all around me that I never expected to feel beyond my wildest imagination. I gained friends, a deeper feeling of community and an online support system that I didn't know I truly needed until I really needed it.  With the bad there is so much good.  Good interactions, connections and genuine authenticity.   It's still disheartening for all of us to feel the effects of what's happening all around us but were all in this together and together we will become stronger. Stay safe and stay strong my friends.

It's been a tough week for all of us

This has been a tough week in so many ways but oddly enough, despite life's challenges I'm in a really good space mentally and emotionally and I definitely have my fitness routine to thank for that.   It helps to clear my mind and reminds me that I can do anything I set my mind to.  Getting focused and pushing myself both inside and out to make the best in life. Working out is my foundation for health and happiness.  When my workout routine is in check everything else flows easier.  Yes, you can build strength, courage, confidence, focus, exertion, divinity, determination, willpower, work ethic and much more simply by working out. Set your intentions, dial everything into a positive mindset and light up your mental flame.

28 Lessons I Want To Share With You

1.  You're not growing older, you're getting wiser. 2.  Best thing you can wear is your smile. 3.  Invest in your mental growth and health. 4.  Kindness is contagious. 5.  Trust your timing. 6.  Laugh often. 7.  It'll never be too late to start. 8.  Have experiences, not expectations. 9.  Measure moments and memories. 10.  Tell yourself and loved ones that you love them. 11.  Stop comparing. 12.  Make yourself a priority. 13.  Never settle. 14.  Practice daily gratitude. 15.  Be present. 16.  Love others and accept them for who they are. 17.  Worrying gets you nowhere. 18.  Get lost in nature. 19.  Confidence happens when you let go of insecurities. 20.  What others think of you is none of their business. 21.  Say what you mean but don't be mean about it. 22.  Communication is very important. 23.  Surround yourself with supportive people. 24.  Let go of what doesn't serve you anymore. 25.  Take vital care of your body,

What is a Macro?

A macro stands for macronutrient and is your carbs, fats and protein.  Carbs and protein contribute 4 calories per gram and fat contributes 9 calories per gram.  So your total daily calories come from the amount of carbs, protein and fat you consumer per day. Carbs generally come from fruits, veggies, grains, bread and sugar.  Carbs are important because they ar your main source of energy.  Some foods like legumes, pasta, lentils and most beans are protein.  Protein comes from low fat, fat free dairy, egg whites and why protein.  Obviously meat is a protein source and protein is the most important macro.  Especially since it keeps you full and maintains muscle mass. Protein and fat are great sources to combine but only is the fat is a low trans or saturated fat.  Healthy fats are avocados, nuts, seeds, oil and olives.  Fats are important for hormonal regulation. Having a balanced diet of all 3 macros is ideal for health, but what is blanked for one person is not the same fo

Surprising Ways That Probiotics Can Help You Lose Weight!

Taking a probiotic everyday for 12 weeks can help you loose up to 5lbs.  Probiotics decrease hunger causing hormones like Ghrelin and can speed up the metabolism as well!   Have you ever heard the term "Go with your gut instinct?  Well, studies have proven that by following a good regiment of taking digestive enzymes and probiotics can eliminate the bad bacteria in your gut and produce a healthy production of good bacteria inside your colon. Carrying a healthy strain of good bacteria in your microbiome can accelerate your immune system and keep you healthy.  Carrying bad bacteria in your gut can actually product bad antibodies that can attack the thyroid and also hinder the absorbtion of key nutrients that the thyroid need to product good hormones in the body. Especially when taking antibiotics, this strips all of the good bacteria in our colon which leaves us in a very vulnerable state to catch a cold or flu.  But, by taking a probiotic immediately after taking antibioti

Healthiest Foods on Earth

Thought I would take a second to list some of the healthiest foods on Earth.  At this time, it is very important to stay as healthy as possible so I hope that this blog can help you make the right decisions on what to but next time you're at the grocery store. Water- Even though it's not a food, H2O is second to oxygen in maintaining life.  Even minimal changes can impair improvement. Sweet potatoes -  1 sweet potato contains more than 8,800 IUS's of vitamin A, low in calories and contains more than half of your daily requirement to vitamin C.  Low in sodium and a good source of dietary fiber. Ground Falxseed   Flaxseeds provide 800 times more cancer fighting lignin's than any other food, which protects against breast and prostate cancer. Unsweetened Cranberry Juice   Rich source of phytonutrients such as phenol based antioxidants that are so helpful in supporting cardiovascular health and preventing urinary tract infections.  Mix in a 1:2 ratio with water.

Introduction to the Gym

If you've never stepped foot inside of a gym this should help you get started. First, what are you goals? Weight loss time frame? Toning up? What's your schedule like? Are you serious to try a meal plan program? Also, people should consider getting a blood panel to check their thyroid and hormone level and always take a digestive enzyme and probiotic before they begin. Do you have any injuries to watch out for? Do you deal with any mental roadblocks? The biggest impact for me beginning to go to the gym was having a group of women around me to feel support and motivation from.  Also, having a professional personal trainer was a huge part of me sustaining my goals especially when trying to get over hurdles alone can be so challenging. I highly encourage you to try a Bootcamp atmosphere so you can become more social with people who are working out along with you.  As well as having a gym bag to carry the necessities to stay prepared... Water, workout glov

Where You're Meant To Be

Everything that has lead you to where you are now is helping to shape and mold you to where you're meant to be.  Even if it's not where you think you want to be. You're more than good enough, worthy and loved.  Remember, things have a very weird way of working themselves out so just trust your timing and stop controlling your fate. You might not be where you want to be but you're where you're meant to be right now.  And just because you "aren't there yet" doesn't mean you won't ever "get there."  It just means everything that's leading you to where you think you want to be is helping you shape you into who you truly are and guiding you to where you're meant to be all along.   Things have a very weird and mysterious way of working out.  Trust your timing in the universe and I promise you'll be ok.

You Are More Than Enough

When you realize that you are more than enough is when you realize that you're attracted to the people, places and things that are in your life right now.   You are good enough as you are.  When you feel worthy all other noise from others fade away.  Stand in your truth and own your power because you deserve the very best in life and nothing less. Stand in your truth and always be enough for yourself.  If you're not being valued or acknowledged it's time to move on to better things in order to appreciate your worth. If there's one thing I've learned it is that standing up for yourself first so you can stand strong for those around you is the best gift you could possibly offer to yourself in this lifetime.  Life is a gift and that is whey we call it the present.

I Need You to Know Something

I need you to know that one day you'll look back and be thankful that you didn't give up, remained faithful and practiced gratitude in the process.  I need you to know that giving it your all, despite knowing the outcome will all have been worth it even it it doesn't feel like it immediately.  I need you to know that expectation yields disappointment, that everything you strive for might not happen because what you want may not be what you need.   I need you to know that you are deserving whatever you put your heart and mind into.  I need you to know that it won't be easy and that it will require sacrifice.  I need you to know that success looks and feels different for everyone.  I need you to know that comparing accomplishments and "life timelines" only creates resentment and negative feelings.  I need you to know that no one has it all figured out and those that seem like they do struggle in their own ways.   More than anything, I need you to know conf

How to Curb Emotional Eating

When emotions get the best of us, we sometimes go for "comfort food" and unfortunately, this can really get in the way of establishing discipline when we are trying so hard to stay on top of our health and fitness goals. How many of you are guilty of this?  Even alcohol can be a trigger. This distorted feeling to eat when we are stressed perpetuates into "emotional eating" which has to do with getting a handle on self control.  But, in actuality finding the root cause of what were feeling and not steering away from the emotion is where it begins to take control over us. No doubt we don't want to feel the thoughts that make us feel low but by emotionally turning to food that isn't good for us can actually make us feel even worse.  Mindful eating allows us to be in control and resist from temptation when emotions arise.  Making sure that we dial in and track our moods in a journal and relating any foods relating to "feeling bad" can actually he