
Showing posts from February, 2020

Weights vs. Cardio

Serious question here... A tiny waist and a big butt is all were going for right?? NOT!!! Living our best life is to be as healthy and happy as we possibly can be and wether you want to lose body fat, gain muscle, grow a booty or get rid of body fat there is no magic potion or pill you can take that will give you longterm results.  It takes you making a plan and sticking to it. If you want to seriously change your body to become stronger, then in my opinion cardio is not going to help you.  Muscle strength training, having a proper food plan, resting, recovery and having healthy habits is where you'll attain longterm results. My fitness journey has always been founded on health and happiness and my idea of both cardio and weights have changed and evolved over time.  Health doesn't look the same to everyone and it certainly isn't measured by a number on the scale which I think is a big misconception often way overlooked.   Do what's in your best interest for

How To Start Training For Beginners

Strength training has become very popular recently and starting to begin when unsure where to start is the hardest step to make. It can be scary, confusing and overwhelming but these feelings are temporary.  Weird machines is why it is important to hire a Personal Trainer in order to focus on how to do things correctly and not get hurt.  Getting the proper 1 on 1 attention can excel your results in a direction you never thought possible. I was at first riddled with anxiety being in a gym when I first started training but with the help of my Personal Trainer and coach Michael Healea, he showed me how to properly breathe and eventually led me to feel OK with all the routines I was doing.  This was such a blessing in disguise which showed me how to really give myself the help I needed. How you feel on the inside shows on the outside to the world.  Depending on your fitness levels and especially if you have injuries or have had surjeries you defiantly should hire a professional tha

Fun and Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Shedding pounds and getting healthier can be easy and fun.  Believe out or not, these easy tricks have worked wonders for many of my clients. 1 .  Eating smaller portions with smaller plates and bowls. This idea I've used many times and studies have proven that when you eat with small plates and bowls then your portion sizes are cut down to allow weight to become manageable.   2.  Reorganize your refrigerator. By cleaning out the fridge and throwing away foods that are not good for us makes us think twice about putting them back in the fridge.  This task makes it easy to subconsciously scan healthy food vs. unhealthy food to allow you know what exactly you are putting in your body and keeps a check on assesing what you should keep and what you should throw away. 3.  Reorganize your kitchen. By not only cleaning up your refrigerator but also reorganizing your pantry, cupboards and shelves and entire kitchen, this will leave you with a healthier and happier

Striving For a Better Tomorrow

Show up and take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Consistency and patience is key when it comes to reaching my goals and the less I push myself to change, the more I realize it will happen when the time is right. Goals are good for direction and planning my progress but by implementing a process to which yields results, it always comes back to my consistent action, patience and drive towards striving for a better tomorrow.  This has taught me to let go of things that truly aren't serving me anymore and by opening up and being honest with myself it is keeping myself accountable. I feel like a lot of people can relate to this sort of timeline process which causes too much pressure to reach or achieve X, Y and Z.  I used to get overwhelmed when I would put this kind of pressure on myself to achieve certain things rather than having a measurable timeline where I could put things on a realistic scale rather than just doing too much.  I'd

How I Embrace Change

I've been doing something lately that has really helped me envision the best version of myself and that is embracing change.  You see change can happen fast or slow but the more I am in tune with being aware of myself (habits, moods, behaviors, emotions, etc.) the better I become at getting used to change itself. I've been implementing lasting and sustainable change that supports my lifestyle and I'm not afraid of it, I am now embracing it.  This has allowed me to become happier person inside and out. I found solutions to invest in myself and am completely looking at the trajectory of change to accept where my life is going instead of trying to control everything and holding back.  I've been proving the old me is wrong and my health and happiness is the only way I want to live.   I encourage you to do the same and set yourself up to achieve whatever it may be in life to be a better version of yourself for tomorrow.

Where My Happiness Comes From

My happiness didn't come from my jobs or some level of financial success.  My happiness didn't come from a great relationship or achieving my dream body.   My happiness came from putting myself first mentally, emotionally and physically.  It came from being grateful from where I came from and where I am today.   Despite challenges it's all about perspective.  I realize how blessed I am and the journey I am on to help others.  I've found peace in my life and reconnected with the little girl in my life that still exists in me.   My happiness has overcame to say no to others and accept yes for myself first.  I've always been a "people pleaser" and by following my mind, heart and soul it lead me to my true self to become honest and start aligning my priorities and balancing my full potential. I'm right where I'm meant to be.  There is no destination to this journey it's just pushing one foot in front of the other and pressing forwa

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Doing new things can seem scary and intimidating but lately I'm focusing on trying new things that feel uncomfortable.  I'm making an effort to surprise myself and presenting new designs and concepts into my life. By challenging my comfort zone I'm learning to become stronger that I once believed and allowing myself to be human and show up up even when I feel vulnerable. Following my heart and having grace and forgiveness to myself even when mistakes are made helps me to grow. So what's one thing that you will do this week to challenge your comfort zone?

We're Stronger Than We Know

Life can seem like a roller coaster ride at times.  With the high's of excitement and fulfillment in happiness and then the low's of falling undesirable into pitfall of despair but in reality having the strength to propel ourselves forward and having the feeling gratefulness for it that life gives us is what experiencing the journey is all about.  I wanted to take a second today and share my secrets of how I stay positive throughout it all. Find peace in your own unique way Everyone of us deals with stress differently but if we can find peace during the hard times in life makes us different in many unique ways.  Some turn to the Bible, some turn to meditation and some turn to exercise.  For me, I remain calm and am easier on myself during difficult phases in life and by remembering that it's temporary and will pass let's me know that happiness is right around the corner. Allow yourself to feel emotions One of people's many fears is to feel stuck in

How to Form New Healthy Habits

Everything we do on a daily regimen is a habit.  We live mostly on autopilot and in many ways it's to make our life easier.  But, unfortunately we can create and form bad habits and you know what?  You're not alone.  We are all guilty of forming bad habits just as easy and we form good habits. Fortunately, once we disrupt bad habits and form a new routine to become better, we trigger a boost of happiness that processes as a reward.  But first, we must break the cycle and recognize the action that must take place in order for this to occur.  Habits are challenging and perhaps life altering but it is important to see the whole process that we do again and again and find ways to modify this. We are all prone to having autonomic processes occur more than we realize but if we are to slow down and realize that our mind is in control of all this, we can achieve anything that we put our mind towards and it does become easier over time.  All good and bad habits start with a trig

Body Image vs. Self Image

Body image and self image are 2 separate things.  Don't diminish your feeling of self worth because your body is not "there yet."  Don't lose your self of self expression because your body doesn't look a certain way. Honor your body.  Love and appreciate all that it has given you.  Honor and love all that it has accomplished through the years.  Be kind, gentle and patient with your body but don't let your body become your self image.   You are not your body.  It is a gift that you were given to feel alive and be an amazing part of this world.  So trust that you are so much more and stay focused on the positive and beautiful things the you're body gives to you everyday. Life is a gift,  that is why we call it the present.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward Everyday!

When you find the perfect balance keep going.  Find that sweet spot.  Family, friends, fitness, sunshine, health, pets... Everything in my opinion is just flat out better when you put your best foot forward and are sharing it with other people who support you in ways you never thought possible.  I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to share health and vitality with my friends and family. Whatever it may be just stay there and sacrifice work to stay there as long as possible.  Use your mind, body and spirit to thrive where you can treasure your life in the present moment.

3 Ways Hope Can Help You Heal

The minute you quit forcing your mind and body to "fit a certain mold" is when you'll really start to take shape of your reality.  We all change.  It's the ebb and flow and seasonality that life provides for us.  Embrace change and all versions of what's possible to finding your version on inner happiness.  When you cut off external validating from those around you, you'll begin to realize that you are what matter most. 3 Ways Hope Can Help You Heal 1.  Use Healing Affirmations Positive affirmations can rewire neural pathways in the bran to reduce feat and dramatically slash stress.  Things like "everything will be ok," or "I am loved" are just a few positive affirmations that can help you begin your healing process.   2.  Wake Up Happy Set a photo of your loved ones by your bed so when you wake up first thing in the morning you can set up a positive mindset by remembering all the great memories you've shared with them

Life Doesn't Have to be Perfect to Start Enjoying It

Don't let the years just pass you by- because we don't get another chance.  This is it.  This is your time to shine and you really can achieve anything if you have the courage to feel uncomfortable. Go out and make something of yourself because you glow differently inside and shine outwardly when you're doing better in life.  You deserve more than just ordinary.  And something good will come into your life when you begin to grow from within.   Be the type of person who doesn't have an "on or off" switch.  Your good energy is infectious to others who want to benefit from your kindness.  That energy changes the world so go and change yourself one step at a time and I hope have a wonderful start of your week!

Why I'm so Passionate as a Personal Trainer

I become a Personal Trainer because the stories of my clients captivated me more than ever to help them become stronger and healthier people.  In fact, my clients help me become a more mindful person also.   This profession has taught me that the mind can work wonders if you shift it in the right direction.  The possibilities are endless.  Once I allowed my clients to value their abilities I could see themselves to not fight or resist change.   I became a Personal Trainer not so much to change my clients physical appearance but to let them open up their mind and spirit to rewire their thoughts and behaviors.  This profession has taught me that even I can change along the with them and how we motivate each other to stay positive.  We are all capable of so much in this life and our own potential is limitless.   Personal training is not just working out, it goes much more deeper than that.  It takes time, effort, dedication, consistency, discipline and motivation along with t

Life is Too Short

Life is too short to worry about what other people think.  If you're wearing confidence, you're gonna look 100% to everyone else around you.  Loving your imperfections is hard, but once you accept yourself everything starts to fall into place.   Society tells us that were all suppose to a be and live a certain way by what we see in marketing ads, TV, magazines and movies.   What do you want? What makes you happy? How are you spending your time to improve yourself inwardly? If you catch yourself feeling down, remind yourself all that you have accomplished.  We have control over our lives and yet things happen outside of our control that we cannot explain.  The most important relationship that you will ever have is with yourself.  You are the most important person in your life.  So whatever is holding you back, you must let it go and whatever happens in life embrace it.   Let go of how you thought your life should be and embrace the life that is trying to work it'

Be Proud of Your Imperfections

Be proud of your strengths, your progress, the body you are building, your muscles, your mindset.  Even be proud of your imperfections.  Incredible things happen once you start believing in yourself. Another amazing day out of my comfort zone in the books!  I feel like I've learned a lot about myself.  Never stop learning and growing.  Having an absolute blast in life right now (proud self back pat right now.)  Stop staying comfortable in your comfort zone- get out and feel uncomfortable. To me it's crucial to always be a work in progress.  You are never finished.  You can always push a little harder, get a little further, dig a little deeper and dream a while lot bigger. You are never out of the fight.  Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.  Whatever your thoughts may be, I'm here to tell you; always keep fighting, never give in, you are fierce and you can accomplish small r

MDFit Grocery List

Foods are like friends.  They all provide different things for us in different ways.  If you are what you eat and you don't know what you're eating, do you know who you are? That is why I wanted to put together a long list of the 150 healthiest foods to have in your life.  Wether to create a grocery list and take this seriously to the next level for your health or just to take a glance at certain foods that you like to eat regularly or on occasion. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, macronutrients, foods that meet a good glycemic index, omega fats, carbs and natural sugar are all essential and key to living optimally.   So lets get started.... The MDFIT Grocery List Vegetables: Artichokes                         Horseradish Arugula                              Jicama Asparagus                          Kale Beets                                  Leeks Bok Choy                          Mushrooms   Broccoli                             Okra Brussel Sprouts

The Science Behind Portion Control

There is a obesity epidemic and growing around the world.  Many factors contribute to this problem and all it takes is selecting the proper foods and accurate portions for weight loss. Along with an obesity epidemic, there is an astronomical rise in the Pharmaceutical companies because of prescriptions, medical bills and health insurance needed to be met.  So there is a very strong incentive to staying at a healthy body fat level as well as a normal weight for your height and age. The selection of healthy foods is very expensive compared to the rapid amount of processed foods being served at such low costs and this has skyrocketed for low income families over the last decade.  Most people are unaware of what they can do to take control of their health and that is why I thought that this blog would be helpful to many people out there to take their health and their families health more seriously. Larger portions, larger plates and larger waistlines is what is happening all arou

Prove Them All Wrong

Never be ashamed to be a woman who stands up for herself, and what she believes in.  Embrace your inner fighter, warrior, feminine badass self and always let it shine through.  There will always be those who underestimate you.  Prove them all wrong! Be bold, be strong and be you.  The world is just going to have to get ready for it. How will you better your week? How are you challenging yourself? How will you be more badass? To be successful your focus has to be so intense that others think you're crazy.  Create balance and do what you love.  Thankful for all of you and I hope you all have an amazing day!

Happiness is Always a Choice

Today I woke up feeling so grateful and let me tell you why... Happiness is always a choice.  Often, I forget this simple fact and let my circumstances impact my happiness.  But that is not how it works.  You and only you have the ability to choose to be happy.  I am guilty of pushing all the good aside at times and only focusing on the bad things that are happening to me until I realized that this is a choice to think this way and no one else can control that.   In the last few years my mindset has changes SOOO much.  Today, I choose to feel blessed for the live I was given and and choose to see the good rather than the bad.  And lastly I choose to love myself, love my body and love my mind.   I hope you choose happiness too.  You greatly deserve it.

How to Live More in the Present

I will always continue to have bigger and better goals.  I will never settle.  I will continue on and plan on crushing current goals and then making new ones! Here are some helpful stress-buster tips I use to help me live in the present. -Take it one day at a time. -Set (realistic) goals. -Surround yourself with people who "get it." -Be proud of yourself. -Don't compare. -Recognize progress in all forms. -Don't be too hard on yourself. -Enjoy the journey and trust that progress takes time. -Love yourself. -Great things are coming your way you just have to believe in it.