
Showing posts from April, 2020

Using This Time Wisely

I'm using this time wisely and expanding my mind, business and opportunities to stay busy.   During this quarantine so far, I've read 3 books all about fitness, the body and nutrition.  I've been working out 2+ hours everyday and using my discipline to help others stay motivated through Facebook and Instagram live workouts. I've been waking up earlier than usual and creating a routine for myself that keeps me accountable and stay strong.  During this time, is a time to not slack off but to grow exponentially.  To expand my mind, follow my passions and learn truths about myself like never before. I'm not mad at this situation that the world is going through.  I've just learned to change my outlook in order to learn and grow.

Will You Do Me a Favor?

Next time you have a pic taken of yourself, instead of focusing on what you don't like or still want to change by picking apart your flaws society convinces you to have, will you instead focus on what you love? How radical and empowering is that?  Your mind can shift from what you don't like to what you do like if you just take a look at all that you have to feel grateful for and how amazing you are from within.  Notice your confidence building strength and the resilience you'll take hold to not allow negativity to take over and create a softness about you that will allow your aura to grow.   When we stop wishing for the things that we don't have and remind ourselves of all the greatness we do have then inside we agree from our whole being that we are not perfect and were ok with it.  In fact, more happiness will arrive in your life because the acceptance factor of being who you are will open up and unlimited possibilities will take place. You can do and be anyt

Building a Stronger Relationship with your Pet During Quarintine

 How awesome is it that during this time we get to bond with our pets like never before. Pets can sense our emotions, especially when we are stressed and by connecting to them they can help us get through the bad times.  Our connection with our pets is more than a care giving experience, it is building a strong bond and connection with them based on trust, respect and positive interactions that will develop into a loving relationship that will last a lifetime. Here are a few tips on how to build a stronger and deeper bond with your pet. 1.  Playing with your Pet. Playing with your pet can alleviate feelings of sadness and depression.  By designing social activities, games and playtimes can bring together a solid bond with your pet that can actually help you with feeling more happiness, peace and joy. 2.  Cuddling. Being together more and spending time cuddling can create a serene sense of peace that studies have proven can lower our blood pressure, help us relax and can c

Quarantine Feelings

It's impossible to put into words what a crazy time we are living in right now.  And while it may be a great time for funny memes and a fun staycation for some, it's an incredibly difficult and stressful time for so many. Like so many of you out there, my job as a trainer at my fitness facility took a major hit.  And the uncertainty of the months to come really began to sink in.  But that's ok because how are we suppose to act in times like these?  There is no roadmap for this. Training my clients has stopped but my comfort at home and with my friends and family has increased and although I'm up in the middle of the night worried about where this world is headed, I've definitely kept my anxiety and depression in check. My recent thoughts... What about the parents that are struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills? What about the children who's school was their safe place? What about abuse victims now stuck at home with heir abusers?

How to Conserve Your Energy

Don't ever give permission to another person or give your energy away especially to those that don't deserve it.   Every time you're wasting energy on another person that doesn't deserve your energy, you're actually diminishing your existence, lowering your immune system and not giving yourself permission or ability to experience life to the fullest.  You deserve to live life on your terms and live freely and openly in a body that exudes love and happiness. You will always be "too much" for some and "not enough" for others.  Let others love you but most importantly love yourself first. People will come and go in your life and change is inevitable so let go of what doesn't serve you anymore and accept all that surrounds you which is good and serves as a blessing in your life.  You are more than enough as you are right now but you have to believe it in yourself first. Your journey is the experience of the process so open up and live