Why Stress Management is Crucial for Quality of Life

Stress is a body's reaction to positive or negative events pushing one out of comfort. A stress reaction is a natural mechanism of adaptation to any changes, not necessarily caused by our motions. It can be provoked for example by enviornment, others around you, unexplained circumstances or occurances that happen. Whatever the culprit, the body spends time being used up by this excessive stress. Followed with tiredness, insomnia, focus deficit, decreased efficiency, and many other negative effects. In order to moderate stress it is very easy to do so by having a fitness tracker that can measure your stress on a 1-5 scale and that way you can manage your stress before it gets out of control. It is very important to note that the impact your body has when too much stress has occured. Your body will be drained of it's resources so be more mondfull of where your stress comes fromand track or journal your thoughts.


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