Where My Happiness Comes From

My happiness didn't come from my jobs or some level of financial success.  My happiness didn't come from a great relationship or achieving my dream body.  

My happiness came from putting myself first mentally, emotionally and physically.  It came from being grateful from where I came from and where I am today.  

Despite challenges it's all about perspective.  I realize how blessed I am and the journey I am on to help others.  I've found peace in my life and reconnected with the little girl in my life that still exists in me.  

My happiness has overcame to say no to others and accept yes for myself first.  I've always been a "people pleaser" and by following my mind, heart and soul it lead me to my true self to become honest and start aligning my priorities and balancing my full potential.

I'm right where I'm meant to be.  There is no destination to this journey it's just pushing one foot in front of the other and pressing forward.  As I press on my courage it is strengthening and focusing my overall vision of what happiness truly is.


  1. Beautiful! Happiness is truly from within and not from outside sources. We can take anything with us when we “leave” but the lives we touch, including our own are what really matters. Love your soul.


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