We're Stronger Than We Know

Life can seem like a roller coaster ride at times.  With the high's of excitement and fulfillment in happiness and then the low's of falling undesirable into pitfall of despair but in reality having the strength to propel ourselves forward and having the feeling gratefulness for it that life gives us is what experiencing the journey is all about.  I wanted to take a second today and share my secrets of how I stay positive throughout it all.

Find peace in your own unique way

Everyone of us deals with stress differently but if we can find peace during the hard times in life makes us different in many unique ways.  Some turn to the Bible, some turn to meditation and some turn to exercise.  For me, I remain calm and am easier on myself during difficult phases in life and by remembering that it's temporary and will pass let's me know that happiness is right around the corner.

Allow yourself to feel emotions

One of people's many fears is to feel stuck in their current situation and that can be scary to most.  But in order to face fear, you must stand with courage and let it ride it's emotion through you in order for strength to take hold and overcome it.  Learn to accept all emotions that you feel (good and bad) and work through it instead of hiding from it.  I always remember how loved I am by others, how I'm worthy of living this life that was given to me and be appreciative that I already have everything I need to live a fulfilling life.

Relax in your imperfections

Learning to accept flaws has been my key to finding self confidence within myself.  It has helped me to stop and realize that I'm human and no one is perfect.  I can accept that my body isn't going to look the same as it used to be as the the years go by and I also accept that beating myself up about things that I cannot change is only not accepting my real truth of staying real and authentically myself.  Now, I allow myself to feel love and give myself kindness to free up these emotions and live life in all it's uncertainty.  

Discover true joy with your friends

Friendships are like velcro-connecting us through imperfections and vulnerability while growing a bond in faith, love and non-judgment.  For me, having a "safe zone" with friends that I can lean on and trust when I need to talk to someone about something personal is a huge benefit to lifting any stressful concerns I have off my chest.  When we open up and release our emotions, it's allows us to feel free, safe and grateful and to have such amazing friends around you to "just be there" and listen to you, is a true gift of care and comfort through times of stress.

Embrace the peaks and valleys of life

Find joy in riding the wave of life.  Some days will be better than others and some days will seem just outright horrible but rather distracting or numbing yourself with vice's that can hurt you, let yourself ride through everything that comes your way with grace and kindness towards yourself.  Give yourself space when needed and don't be afraid to deal with a difficult situation and give yourself love.  Everyday is a new day to start over and we all have battles that we've won but that is what gives us the inner strength to move forward and appreciate the little things in life.

Don't be afraid to just be yourself

The world is constantly trying to advertise to us that we should be perfect and that we need "this or that" in order to achieve perfection but in reality it's all marketing bs.  The more we are real and authentic, the more love we are accepting for ourselves and others. When we can accept that love in ourselves fully it gives us a certain perception of the world that is our own to keep close to ur hearts.  And instead of trying to chase the dream of what perfection is in our eyes, fully accept that it is already instilled within us the day we were born.  Life is a gift and that it why we call it the present.  

I hope this has helped you with taking off the rose colored glasses and opening your eyes to how truly amazing you are and all the greatness that you provide to the world.  Don't forget to smile, be kind and remember that you matter so much.  Your motivation is a inspiration to those around you and every singe day and you should never forget to thank yourself for being alive and living your life to all it's glory.


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