Striving For a Better Tomorrow

Show up and take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Consistency and patience is key when it comes to reaching my goals and the less I push myself to change, the more I realize it will happen when the time is right.

Goals are good for direction and planning my progress but by implementing a process to which yields results, it always comes back to my consistent action, patience and drive towards striving for a better tomorrow.  This has taught me to let go of things that truly aren't serving me anymore and by opening up and being honest with myself it is keeping myself accountable.

I feel like a lot of people can relate to this sort of timeline process which causes too much pressure to reach or achieve X, Y and Z.  I used to get overwhelmed when I would put this kind of pressure on myself to achieve certain things rather than having a measurable timeline where I could put things on a realistic scale rather than just doing too much.  I'd call this the "unrealistic paralysis" and seriously would end up achieving nothing in the end.  

So instead of being in a rush, I decided to rest, breathe and be easier on myself.  Does anyone else feel like they are dealing with the same feeling of being overloaded by too much?  

I've learned to quiet the noise of expectations and tune my overall vision of living balanced.  Some days are easier than others but slowly I see change happening.  Key word....slowly....finding balance and keeping a "happy medium" in my current status.  

I remind myself that patience is a virtue and remaining grounded on my truth is the best I can do.  I don't have it all figured out but I've learned to stay strong in life lessons along the way.  One step, one solution and slowly moving forward is good enough for me.

Don't rush to get where you are going.  Enjoy the journey along the way.


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