Fun and Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Shedding pounds and getting healthier can be easy and fun.  Believe out or not, these easy tricks have worked wonders for many of my clients.

1Eating smaller portions with smaller plates and bowls.

This idea I've used many times and studies have proven that when you eat with small plates and bowls then your portion sizes are cut down to allow weight to become manageable.  

2.  Reorganize your refrigerator.

By cleaning out the fridge and throwing away foods that are not good for us makes us think twice about putting them back in the fridge.  This task makes it easy to subconsciously scan healthy food vs. unhealthy food to allow you know what exactly you are putting in your body and keeps a check on assesing what you should keep and what you should throw away.

3.  Reorganize your kitchen.

By not only cleaning up your refrigerator but also reorganizing your pantry, cupboards and shelves and entire kitchen, this will leave you with a healthier and happier mindset when you walk into your kitchen.  And by making smarter decisions on what to prepare yourself to eat, this will help you when your kitchen is spick and span. 

5.  Go for a small walk or bike ride after your last meal-

Before you the sun sets and you finish your last meal of the day, go for a light walk or bike ride instead of sitting on the coach and watching TV or scrolling on social media.  Your food will digest easier and faster when you burn the calories by moving your body.  It will also help you sleep easier when you've exerted a small amount of energy and will keep you in a good mindset.

Fun and Easy Snacks-

Dieting doesn't have to be difficult, so I thought I'd share some helpful tips around my favorite foods to make it easier for you.

Spinach Smoothies- Spinach contains Thylakoids which curbs the hunger hormone Ghrelin so toss a handful of spinach in your smoothie first thing in the morning.

Orange Essential Oil- When you wake up and throughout the day carry a vile of orange essential oil to help you release healthy digestive enzymes in your stomach.  This will help you digest your food easier and lead to less cramping in your digestive system.  

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt- Your liver burns stored fats for fuel throughout the day PLUS it uses potassium to drain feeling fatigued.  By lightly sprinkling a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt on your food it will give you enough potassium to help with any muscle soreness, fatigue and cramping.  I always advise my clients to sprint a tiny pinch of salt in their water also. 

Avocados- Avocados contain an great amount of healthy omega-9 fats that will soak into the brain cells and block cravings for unhealthy snacks.  Just by eating half of an avocado greatly helps the odds of not sabotaging your diet.

I hope this blog can help you and anyone you know to think about how losing weight can be fun and easy and can really turn back the clock to essentially enjoying life healthier and happier.


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