Be Proud of Your Imperfections

Be proud of your strengths, your progress, the body you are building, your muscles, your mindset.  Even be proud of your imperfections.  Incredible things happen once you start believing in yourself.

Another amazing day out of my comfort zone in the books!  I feel like I've learned a lot about myself.  Never stop learning and growing.  Having an absolute blast in life right now (proud self back pat right now.)  Stop staying comfortable in your comfort zone- get out and feel uncomfortable.

To me it's crucial to always be a work in progress.  You are never finished.  You can always push a little harder, get a little further, dig a little deeper and dream a while lot bigger.

You are never out of the fight.  Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.  Whatever your thoughts may be, I'm here to tell you; always keep fighting, never give in, you are fierce and you can accomplish small realistic goals!


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