I Need You to Know Something

I need you to know that one day you'll look back and be thankful that you didn't give up, remained faithful and practiced gratitude in the process.  I need you to know that giving it your all, despite knowing the outcome will all have been worth it even it it doesn't feel like it immediately.  I need you to know that expectation yields disappointment, that everything you strive for might not happen because what you want may not be what you need. 

 I need you to know that you are deserving whatever you put your heart and mind into.  I need you to know that it won't be easy and that it will require sacrifice.  I need you to know that success looks and feels different for everyone.  I need you to know that comparing accomplishments and "life timelines" only creates resentment and negative feelings.  I need you to know that no one has it all figured out and those that seem like they do struggle in their own ways.  

More than anything, I need you to know confidently believe in and honor the power and fight and grit within you.  I need you to have courage and know that strength and love lives in you.  And, I need you to know that when you courageously have the strength and love on your side you recognize that you had it in you all along.  Harvest that love and let it help you grow.


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