Where You're Meant To Be

Everything that has lead you to where you are now is helping to shape and mold you to where you're meant to be.  Even if it's not where you think you want to be.

You're more than good enough, worthy and loved.  Remember, things have a very weird way of working themselves out so just trust your timing and stop controlling your fate.

You might not be where you want to be but you're where you're meant to be right now.  And just because you "aren't there yet" doesn't mean you won't ever "get there."  It just means everything that's leading you to where you think you want to be is helping you shape you into who you truly are and guiding you to where you're meant to be all along.  

Things have a very weird and mysterious way of working out.  Trust your timing in the universe and I promise you'll be ok.


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