28 Lessons I Want To Share With You

1.  You're not growing older, you're getting wiser.

2.  Best thing you can wear is your smile.

3.  Invest in your mental growth and health.

4.  Kindness is contagious.

5.  Trust your timing.

6.  Laugh often.

7.  It'll never be too late to start.

8.  Have experiences, not expectations.

9.  Measure moments and memories.

10.  Tell yourself and loved ones that you love them.

11.  Stop comparing.

12.  Make yourself a priority.

13.  Never settle.

14.  Practice daily gratitude.

15.  Be present.

16.  Love others and accept them for who they are.

17.  Worrying gets you nowhere.

18.  Get lost in nature.

19.  Confidence happens when you let go of insecurities.

20.  What others think of you is none of their business.

21.  Say what you mean but don't be mean about it.

22.  Communication is very important.

23.  Surround yourself with supportive people.

24.  Let go of what doesn't serve you anymore.

25.  Take vital care of your body, mind and spirit.

26.  Don't rely on others for your happiness.

27.  Be genuine and care for others and be a good listener.

28.  Focus on self compassion instead of self esteem.


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