Conforming in the Corporate World and How to Make a Living on Your Own Terms

Conforming in the Corporate World & How to Make a Living on Your Own Terms

Wether the E-Trading in the Stock Market, Flipping Real Estate or selling Antiques on EBay  there is money to be made everywhere.  Especially now since there are online businesses that are controlled through your Smart Phone like Uber, Airbnb or Postmark, being your own boss has become a real life dream that is easier than before.  

At our fingertips are possibilities where conforming yourself in the corporate world no longer needs to be.  Especially since you take a look at all the robotic systems that are taking away the "Old Fashion" Jobs and now employees working at a job are become harder to find.

This really can hurt people and cause society to be feeling inadequate and relishing in lives loathing in depression not happiness and creating stress trying to learn all the new forms of technology that comes out just to keep a job is become more and more difficult to keep up with.  Some pope just give up and go back to the Rat Race but for our health this can cause serious damage and cause irreversible damage towards our family and social life all because it's harder and harder to make good money conforming in the corporate world.

Why not be your own Boss?

Find a way to break free from this daily form of today's day in age for of slavery and find ways in your life to open and create your entrepreneurial life in ways finding creative endeavors and ventures you never thought possible.

3 questions 

1.  What experiences do you want to have in this lifetime?

2.  How do you want to grow?

3.  How do you want to contribute?

Becoming a minimalist and stop buying more stuff

Use less energy, less gas, less electricity 

Don't waste food and don't eat out at restaurants 

Keep a journal of things to be grateful for personally, family and community that are not materialistic

Never compare or keep
Up with those around you-feel and create the world around you

Start an EBay or Etsy business online

Create a volunteer team to create a community cause

Rent out a bedroom in your home on Airbnb to declutter your home and make $

Drive for Uber

Become a MLM distributor 

Start a Materialism or Save the Dollars Date-self date with yourself to reconstruct your budget and spending up group to discuss the overall goal

Experiences- love, friends, adventures and environment 

Growth-  health and fitness, intellectual, skills, spiritual 

Contribution-  career, creative, family, community


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