Why Eating a "Cheat Treat" Can Help You Lose Weight

Why Enjoying a Cheat Treat Is Very Important to Lose Weight

Cheat Treats do make you stronger so don’t ever think I do t love crap food!  My coach makes it very important to feel good about yourself and build your strength by enjoying a “cheat treat” once in a while.

Did you see how I did not mention Or didn’t say “Cheat Day” or “Cheat Meal” my coach always emphasized that.

So why indulge in a high fatty sugary caloric treat 😊 so it can help you make gains?  Is it the food or the calories?

It’s the calories!!  Eating things like vegetables, fish and sweet potatoes everyday has little calories vs. a surplus of calories in 1 tiny treat (even if its a McDonald’s burger or apple pie).
These bat fats will be destroyed in the next days or week for your “bad fat” to turn and convert is as energy to convert that and use it as fuel while training.

Gaining weight?  Butter, almond butter, milk, cream, egg yolks are all high in calorie density and can also be exchanged into helping you out.  So thank god, go eat a Donut 🍩 I’m headed to Donut Bar after my cardio!


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