6 Fat Burning Hormones for Weight Loss

Six Fat Burning Trigger Hormones 

Thyroid Hormones- Primarily T3 which T3 is the “active form” does all the work and converts to liver, kidney and gallbladders 

Thyroid Hormone-T4 doesn’t do this.  But bile can increase conversion rates when it’s filled with fatty acids.  Which is you don’t have a gallbladder it’s impossible to trigger T3.  Iodine, Seaweed, Selenium and Kelp can help activate the T3 and T4.

Growth Hormone MOST IMPORTANT MADE BY THE PITUITARY AND THE LIVER.  this will help you burn fat at night but doing HIIT Training, sleep, fasting, amino acid arginine, can keep cortisol and sugar levels low.  Will help burn fat fast.  Hormones IGF goes after your fat and is activated when you are fasting.

IGF Hormone and Intermittent Fasting Speeding up the metabolism can activate the fat burning mechanism IGF made by the liver throughout the day.  Eating clean and keeping a daily exercise regime and drinking over a gallon a day will help and keep this process successful for your program.

Glucagon- protein and cardio activity and low levels of sugar to activate this to keep insulin levels balanced.

Testosterone- and keeping progesterone and estrogen low (especially low estrogen in men) to burn the fat cell quickly.

Adrenaline- High Intesity Exercise can Increase the heart rate, blood pressure, cortisol levels rise and allow the production of adrenaline to keep you going.

Insulin- Extremely important to keep insulin levels balanced so that the Actvated Fat Burning Hormone can be elevated.  When eating sugary foods they insulin levels spike and the Activated Fat Burning Hormone shuts down therefore making it impossible to lose weight.


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