Taking a Walk on the Wild Side with an exact replica of Alexander Supertramp!

Taking a Walk on the Wild Side with an exact replica of Alexander Supertramp!

When stopping in Palmdale today for a coffee and some gas I saw this man carrying a large amount of mountain gear and didn’t think anything of it until he was talking to the cashier.

I couldn’t help but overhear Chris talking to the cashier at the gas station as he was purchasing a Bang at the counter and he was discussing about his 2,650 mile hike and I definitely did a head spin....WHAT?!?  I couldn't help but be amazed that this young man was just walking away into the mountainside back into his journey with his trustworthy hiking sticks while everyone else got into their A/C comfy cars with their coffee's and snacks.  I felt an instant urge to go share his story with others because of such an instant shock I got when realizing exactly what this guy was doing.  So I went and drove up to him to take a picture and blog about what he was doing for everyone to be inspired to take a risk in their lives to find their WHY.

Chris explained all the awesome caves and train track passages recently that he's walked through today which while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to California (www.pct.org) was just a sliver of what he's seen during his one month long terrain so far.  I couldn't help think of no comfy bed?  No pillows?  No heater?  What about a refrigerator?  Where do you get your food and water?  Does he meal prep? LOL  That was a joke.  But I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him but he had to say so long and be on his trusty way.  He did have a long way ahead of him.  I did ask him if he needed anything and said a prayer to God to watch over him and protect him. 

God, talk about burning calories this guy must do a TON of cardio NON STOP!  But what about leaving the feeling of fear and leaving everything else behind and going out and finding what else is out there in this scary world is what I was seeing in Chris's eyes and I saw no fear just just pure delight.  Even as overcast, cold and windy it was this guy was on top of the world with happiness and gratitude with just a backpack on his back and a good pair of hiking boots.

Chris recently graduated from College and has 4 months to go on his journey on foot which he will be joining his girlfriend in the Sierra's along the way soon.  I did mention that his expedition reminded me my all time favoritee movie "Call of the Wild" which is a documentary about a very bright man rebelling against society after learning about his father's family affairs and this man called himself Alexander Supertramp aka Chris McCandless.  All of a sudden i realized that this guy's name was Chris as well and he did tell me his nickname but I didn't catch it DARN IT!  But seriously, I felt like I was starring right at an exact replica of an Alexander Supertramp about to go afoot on his long self realizing adventures into the wild!!!

Hearing all of the amazing adventures while being alone in nature that he has seen that no one else has experienced made me realize exactly how sheltered and safe I have made my life to be.  Which to me is comforting on one sense, but the other wants me to take a risk like Chris was taking.

He’s been hiking exactly one month over 300 miles and has over 4 months and 2,300+ miles to go of traveling to go and what a far journey ahead of him.  Talk about preparation and tenacity!  What a milestone!  What a self defeating adventure!  How long had he been planning this?  What was the catalyst behind this for him?  Talk about courage and strength and finding your WHY!  This makes me want to do something like this (but not to this extreme) but maybe one day drive cross country with gene in a RV and find beauty in North America.  Big goals ahead for me.

Please follow Chris on IG at Chrisb_irl and find more of his wild adventures.  I hope this inspires you to not be afraid to do something your soul is urging you to do.  Don’t waste time.  Go live your life to the fullest in whatever way that may be.  Go and find your reason in life.  #live #life #love #pacificcresttrail #hike #journey #adventure #strength


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