Having Difficulty Gaining Weight?

Having Difficulty Gaining Weight?

My metabolism is so fast that I constantly need to eat some sort of fat every 2 hours when I am coming out of competition mode.  It's actually more difficult getting your body back to normal after a competition than it is getting into competition mode so it is very crucial for me to gain weight as safe, clean and quickly as possible.

I've not always been lean, especially when I was a teenager at 16 I was at my heaviest which was 165lbs.  It wasn't until I left my High School and went to a different school that my whole life changed and so did my body.  

Eating healthy foods that contain "Healthy Fats" is always a great way to look at cheating and enjoying life to the fullest.  Coconuts, nuts, dates, avocados are all amazing fats.   The smartest way I gain weight is also by weighting myself first thing in the morning and tracking it to make sure that my weight is increasing.  I finally find that gaining weight to increase my muscles has given me the ability to be confident when the number on the scale goes up instead of the other way around (which was all my life pretty much). 

Being under weight is hard and so millions of people struggle with low self esteem and unhealthy nutrition levels because of this situation but unfortunately it’s the mental cognitive and crazy mood swings that occur when someone is underweight and that pressures on someone alone is difficult and should have encouragement by people who are knowledgeable in this field.  My trainer Michael Healea, owner of Platinum Physiques knows exactly how to get someone on track with a Food and Fitness Program. 

By not depriving the body of what it needs and nourishing our body and mind by allowing the proper macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed to have people follow to find their path in life in order to cultivate a healthy space.  By finding this secret can alleviate depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, phobias, disorders, addictions, abusive situations you name it.  Food is by far your healthiest medicine and that is such an easy thing to remember.

But what happens when you need serious help?  Don’t feel ashamed to talk to a professional counselor for help to seriously dig deep into issues that need to be dealt with in a healthy way so that way you can get these issues off your chest.

Millions and millions of people deal with looking too thin so this is something not to be ashamed of but more educated about things like Thyroid, Endocrine and Metabolism so that people understand how their body works burning fuel aka body weight.  Not to be ashamed would absolutely help heal so many people feeling "stuck" in situations that they can't find answers to, but son't give up.  If you don't find the answer today, worry is not needed to be felt right now, because one day you'll find the answer.  Only one piece of advice would be to find comfort, love compassion from a group of people who can be your Accountability Team.  By creating this team of support, these people can help you release and help heal in ways that maybe you can't do yourself.  Woman are great at healing one another.  I feel women carry magical healing powers that we are very empathetic to one another in ways that men don't relate.  This one being about weight is one of them that we all resonate very deeply with.  Let us all take a bite of something wonderful and think about this article in dedication to all who struggle with this issue.  Cheers!  We all are supporting you one bite at a time! you every now and then.

Here are a few things I always consume in my Food Program to make sure I don’t gain healthy weight.

Olive Oil
Udo’s Oil
Coconut Creamer
Raw nuts
Raw sprouted peanut butter
Coconut or Almond Milk
Hard boiled eggs

Mono-Saturated and Poly-Saturated Fats are the best.  
Stay away from Trans and Saturated Fats ALL TOGETHER!

The 3-6-9 Ratio Blend should be taken in a Supplement if needed to add more healthy fats into your diet.  Fish Oil.  Cod Liver Oil and Krill Oil are all good supplements also YUMMY!!

Find a good fat program with fats, carbs and protein to maintain the healthy weight you’ve desired for.


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