
Showing posts from March, 2019

Become a Positive Healer to Others XOXO

Positive Affirmations are planting a small seed in the ground and you plant and expect it to grow.  Learn to nurture and find love within yourself.  Everything in life.  You have to give 100% towards feeling success within yourself.  Question why you don’t feel like it’s ok to love yourself?  Was it your parents that made you feel empty?  Was it a sibling rivalry that didn’t make you feel substantial?  You are not your thoughts.  You are not your thoughts and you choose to give pain or love.  Hold onto the emotion, whatever it is you feel and nurture it into love.  Your whole perspective will change. We all know what we love.  As an infant we’re given a feeling of love that carries with us forever in the world.  Allowing yourself to feel love and give yourself time to feel and follow live, then you’ll never grasp The entirety of who you are as a being rather than just a person. We all have journeys that lead us into a direction to feel more love and if we live f

If $$ wasn't a problem...WWYD?

If you didn’t have to worry about finances, opinions of others or the distractions of the world around us.  What would you do?  What would be your passion?  What steps would you take?  What direction would you. Go?  These directions will change everything in your life. Don’t be on autopilot because our thinking patterns like self doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, procrastination.  These are habits that are from autopilot behaviors that can be interrupted and replaced. Realize the amount of garage that you put in your way and the decisions we make change the game in every area (mostly small micro steps) right at our fingertips; that gives us the life we want. Pivot, and move forward to guide you in a difficult direction that push past your physical constraints in order to see how powerful you really are.  Don’t check out.  Never self doubt your little directions that can always all day long can actually makes us feel uncertain but you can’t control these feelings, but you

No Alarm Clock Needed

What’s the biggest goal you’ve ever placed in front of yourself?  That actually scared you. Hitting a goal so hard that gets your appetite wet and gets your mindset focused where you need to strive. Think about more than just money, what makes you hungry for life? No alarm clock needed.  My passion wakes me up. #sunday #soul #satisfaction

Push past pain and grow.

You’re already in pain Recycle your pain and use it for something better, something bigger other than just standing there becoming a victim. We all struggle everyday but growth is learning to push past pain when it hurts most.  That means you’re growing. You’re next chapter in life hasn’t been written yet.  Your past won’t dictate your future so go out and chase what you are after. Creating community is a necessity of connecting with others to ward off feelings of loneliness. Love has a direct impact on our wellness, and is worth recognizing that all of us have a purpose to live to the fullest in our life...but how do we apply it? This issue by no means neglects the nourishment we must provide for our bodies. And promoting your health and wellness of mind, body and spirit with the people around you will be a gift that will connect you and your loved ones while sending the message that you care deeply about their well-being and yours a

Deserve the body you desire.

There is a certain sense of confidence, pride and self assurance one must have in order to attain the body they deserve.   Not saying everyone doesn’t deserve to feel and look their best but as I’ve become more muscular I’ve learned to show people more love when they seem intimidated towards you. It’s a open arms refreshing feeling when you can share your confidence with others and watch their muscles and confidence grow as well. 

Choose Happiness

When you wake up, the 1st 8 minutes will reflect the rest of your day.  It’s up to you what you think.  Happiness is a choice.   Everything in life has to be about balance, Even if it is very hard to keep up with everything that happens in our lives.  Everything in life should be slow down and enjoy the not taken for granted. If I had to sum up this picture in one word it would be a passion.  Passion from being proud of the lifestyle that I have struggled to find myself and promising to myself that one day with my growth, I’ll get there.   I know you also have that power and strength to help others in need of finding their support through enjoying your happiness and excel to help change their situation while changing yours in the same path. Today I want to write about happiness.  Do you often feel happy?  I don’t know why, But I’m always able to decide that I want to be in a good mood.   Happiness is not a cognitive skill,

Find creativity as a healthy habit to excel

The ability to think creatively is what separates us from plants and sea slugs and anything that grows, and it’s also it makes us more interesting conversationalist than those things. Innovation occurs and shows us that everyone is capable of finding creative solutions to difficult problems. We live in a world today where our ancestors could never have dreamed of. And it’s because of innovations you have to come that your life, your business, and our world will continue to change and evolve in incredible ways. I want you to be active and be a part of those transformations. I want you to realize that some of the best ideas we haven’t thought of yet are going to be your own. Innovation is not scary! The need to innovators often presented as a terrifying necessity. In other words, if you don’t innovate now and come up with something really really big, then the world is going to leave you behind. But that’s not how innovation happens. Everyone of the most incredible innovations you

Finding your Gift in Life

What’s your question?  What problem are you trying to solve today?  What issues are you currently struggling with?  What opportunities would you like to pursue?  You can’t find the answers if you don’t know the question! The three steps for finding your next big thing!  Step #1 ask a question.  Step #2 Think. Spend time thinking about it. Step #3 Do what you’ve thought of.   Ask.  Think.  Do.  Repeat. Never settle until you find the answer. 

How to be healthier and find more support in your life

If you knew there was a specific list of things you could do that would increase your chance of living longer would you follow it?  One can’t help but think that avoiding tobacco, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight and keeping alcohol consumption to moderate levels are pretty obvious. But why do we have a problem sticking to them?  We all need support from one another to help make sustainable changes, which often means Delving deeper into the reasons why we keep practicing unhealthy habits, even when we know they’re harmful. 


Water is the center of our universe.  It’s what over 70% of what our entire body is constructed if.  Yet, 90% of people don’t drink enough and live a live in a toxic in- alkalized environment where cancer thrives. What if just adding a slice of lemon or cucumber to your water could not only allow a homeostasis environment in your body to thrive but create a funnel for toxicity and disease to be eliminated. Drink up everyone 💦 it’s good for your health to start your morning drinking plenty of water.  Especially before coffee ☕️ #goodmorning #drink #water #relenish #alkalize #health

6 weeks out from the Jay Cutler Desert Classics

What a triumphant day this was and it was only a little over 3 months ago! This Saturday I'll be 6 weeks out from competing in the 2019 NPC Jay Cutler's Desert Classics.  It'll be a the Tropicana Casino and I'm really excited to see all my hard work back again on stage real soon. I know winning Overall is a huge success to add to my list of achievements but I'm not going in headstrong but humble for being able to compete.  Especially with my coach Michael Healea and my Fitness Family of Platinum Physiques, it's always a good time! I'm coming back on stage with about albs more weight added on to my legs, arms and backside and I've been gearing up for pushing myself a little extra harder this time with my training. Morning routine consisits of stretching, yoga, abs and fasted cardio.  Followed by breakfast off egg whites and sweet potatoes, I then do a few reps with the legs press and a few sets with the ab coaster and back machine at home. I&#

Stretching, Yoga and Positive Affirmations

Recently on FB Live, I have been doing my daily MDFIT daily live streams about the importance of Stretching, Yoga and Positive  Affirmations.  Here is a list of how stretching, yoga and meditating daily practicing my positive affirmations help me through a tough day of training.  1.  Stretching helps me relax and slow down.  2.  It alleviates any soreness and improves my joint range and flexibility.  3.  Strengthen my performance in stretching and yoga decreases my risk of injury and reduces my recovery time. Why Positive Affirmations are important in the morning and evening for me are really simple.. It helps me relax and slow down.  And, since I deal with high anxiety, meditation helps me wake up and go to sleep.  Working out along with finding the right balance of stretching, yoga and meditation keeps my mind in the right direction to performing my best.