Push past pain and grow.

You’re already in pain

Recycle your pain and use it for something better, something bigger other than just standing there becoming a victim.

We all struggle everyday but growth is learning to push past pain when it hurts most.  That means you’re growing.

You’re next chapter in life hasn’t been written yet.  Your past won’t dictate your future so go out and chase what you are after.

Creating community is a necessity of connecting with others to ward off feelings of loneliness. Love has a direct impact on our wellness, and is worth recognizing that all of us have a purpose to live to the fullest in our life...but how do we apply it?

This issue by no means neglects the nourishment we must provide for our bodies. And promoting your health and wellness of mind, body and spirit with the people around you will be a gift that will connect you and your loved ones while sending the message that you care deeply about their well-being and yours also. And that itself is a gift.  Life is a gift 🎁 that is why we call it the Present


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