Stretching, Yoga and Positive Affirmations

Recently on FB Live, I have been doing my daily MDFIT daily live streams about the importance of Stretching, Yoga and Positive
 Affirmations.  Here is a list of how stretching, yoga and meditating daily practicing my positive affirmations help me through a tough day of training.
 1.  Stretching helps me relax and slow down.
 2.  It alleviates any soreness and improves my joint range and flexibility.
 3.  Strengthen my performance in stretching and yoga decreases my risk of injury and reduces my recovery time.
Why Positive Affirmations are important in the morning and evening for me are really simple.. It helps me relax and slow down.  And, since I deal with high anxiety, meditation helps me wake up and go to sleep.  Working out along with finding the right balance of stretching, yoga and meditation keeps my mind in the right direction to performing my best.


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