Choose Happiness

When you wake up, the 1st 8 minutes will reflect the rest of your day.  It’s up to you what you think.  Happiness is a choice.  

Everything in life has to be about balance, Even if it is very hard to keep up with everything that happens in our lives.  Everything in life should be slow down and enjoy the not taken for granted.

If I had to sum up this picture in one word it would be a passion.  Passion from being proud of the lifestyle that I have struggled to find myself and promising to myself that one day with my growth, I’ll get there. 

 I know you also have that power and strength to help others in need of finding their support through enjoying your happiness and excel to help change their situation while changing yours in the same path.

Today I want to write about happiness. 

Do you often feel happy? 

I don’t know why, But I’m always able to decide that I want to be in a good mood.  

Happiness is not a cognitive skill, But rather a correct cognitive way of thinking that always will bring you back to your core center and purpose.  Have contact with your feelings and emotions and every day try your best to be yourself in this state.


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