If $$ wasn't a problem...WWYD?

If you didn’t have to worry about finances, opinions of others or the distractions of the world around us.  What would you do?  What would be your passion?  What steps would you take?  What direction would you. Go?  These directions will change everything in your life.

Don’t be on autopilot because our thinking patterns like self doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, procrastination.  These are habits that are from autopilot behaviors that can be interrupted and replaced.

Realize the amount of garage that you put in your way and the decisions we make change the game in every area (mostly small micro steps) right at our fingertips; that gives us the life we want.

Pivot, and move forward to guide you in a difficult direction that push past your physical constraints in order to see how powerful you really are.  Don’t check out.  Never self doubt your little directions that can always all day long can actually makes us feel uncertain but you can’t control these feelings, but you can control how we behave.

Practice the skills of controlling your thoughts and behaviors.  Stop waiting for the right moment in life.  It has to start in your mind (inner wisdom) to stop the inner critic and let go.  The skill of confidence is built and begins is having the willingness to try.  May not succeed but growth and passion in having the ability and mentral strength to try.

There’s only one you.  You’re inner wisdom is a gift to the world.  So never rob the world I’d shutting out your potential.  You always can enter deeper into your Consciousness and the way you speak, walk and surround yourself with is creating the environment you wish to see.

Sometimes we astray from what we don’t want to see but too many people focus on the bad stuff that didn’t work for them the day before.  So we drag and we pout and complain and never move forward.  Talking about what you don’t want, will catch us in a storm that will bring us down.

But health, happiness, prosperity and success begins with being positive.  Someone you live, your pet, your kids, thinking of your home, thinking of a goal.  Gratitude is the highest power you have to your higher self.  Something within you will bring out more good in your life if you concentrate your thoughts towards positivity and gratefulness.

Tune your thoughts towards clarity and well being.  Recognize your source and sense a feeling of yourself and your sourced energy.  The concept and inner being we carry can make us more aware to our higher self.


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