6 weeks out from the Jay Cutler Desert Classics

What a triumphant day this was and it was only a little over 3 months ago!

This Saturday I'll be 6 weeks out from competing in the 2019 NPC Jay Cutler's Desert Classics.  It'll be a the Tropicana Casino and I'm really excited to see all my hard work back again on stage real soon.

I know winning Overall is a huge success to add to my list of achievements but I'm not going in headstrong but humble for being able to compete.  Especially with my coach Michael Healea and my Fitness Family of Platinum Physiques, it's always a good time!

I'm coming back on stage with about albs more weight added on to my legs, arms and backside and I've been gearing up for pushing myself a little extra harder this time with my training.

Morning routine consisits of stretching, yoga, abs and fasted cardio.  Followed by breakfast off egg whites and sweet potatoes, I then do a few reps with the legs press and a few sets with the ab coaster and back machine at home.

I'm so grateful to have a gym at my home and live less than 5 minutes from LVAC where I train my gluteus, back, shoulders and calves 5 days a week for an hour.  Later the sauna really helps me relax and I've been using a lot of great essential oils blends thanks to my Athletes Kit from Doterra.


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