Find creativity as a healthy habit to excel

The ability to think creatively is what separates us from plants and sea slugs and anything that grows, and it’s also it makes us more interesting conversationalist than those things. Innovation occurs and shows us that everyone is capable of finding creative solutions to difficult problems. We live in a world today where our ancestors could never have dreamed of. And it’s because of innovations you have to come that your life, your business, and our world will continue to change and evolve in incredible ways. I want you to be active and be a part of those transformations. I want you to realize that some of the best ideas we haven’t thought of yet are going to be your own.

Innovation is not scary! The need to innovators often presented as a terrifying necessity. In other words, if you don’t innovate now and come up with something really really big, then the world is going to leave you behind. But that’s not how innovation happens. Everyone of the most incredible innovations you can think of Kim about slowly over time as it created and was worked on from an idea into an a reality. 100% of the incredible things we have today took a while to get figured out, and exactly 0% of them happened overnight. This is true for computers, the Internet, space travel, chain mapping, television, cancer treatments, and everything else we’ve been ever done. Big ideas don’t start big. They become big.

The three steps for finding your next big thing! There are three steps in every innovation. These three steps have been true for every industry and in every era, and they will be true for the rest of time. These three steps will work not only for your professional life, but in your personal life too. And the best part is, you already know how to do each and everyone of these! Step number one ask a question. The question can be an attempt to solve a problem, or can be an effort to see his upon and exploited opportunity. It can be an effort to make something a little better, or can shoot for the moon and try to change the world. But this is where all innovation begins.

Innovations like Delta Airlines, Viagra, The Frappuccino, iTunes, the handle we use to carry our luggage all the way to the coffee sleeve was due from an idea.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Sometimes we don’t give ourselves permission to ask the questions that will lead to innovative solutions. Perhaps we think our corporate culture doesn’t allow for it, or perhaps were afraid of what the answer might be. But remember this, the questions exist whether we asked them or not. Avoiding them won’t make a problem go away, and it will keep our business is competitive in a changing market place. Blockbuster waited too long to ask themselves how they could compete with the rise of mail order DVDs and streaming movies, and now the only thing your blockbuster card is good for scraping the ice off your car windshield. The questions are there. You probably already know what a few of them are. Don’t be afraid to ask them!

Strategies for finding and asking the right questions. One take note of anything that frustrates complicates or otherwise makes your job more difficult than you think it should be. And everyone of these cases, the question that may lead you to an innovative solution will be the same. Why are things this way, and could I come up with a better system? To engage your colleagues in conversation. Innovations often come from conversations we have with others as we discuss issues or sound of ideas. Sometimes it’s more difficult to come up with new ways of thinking if were holed up by ourselves all the time. Three remember that asking a question is not the same as creating a problem. The questions that represent our challenges and opportunities are there whether we ask them or not. If you recognize that, you’ll be far less likely to react to those questions by trying to turn them out. The question isn’t an attack on your current system. Some indication of new possibilities. For right your question down so you don’t forget them. Put them anywhere you look at often your office walls, the back of your computer, your children, I don’t care. Just make sure you don’t let them get lost.

What’s your question? What problem are you trying to solve today? What issues are you currently struggling with? What opportunities would you like to pursue? You can’t find the answers if you don’t know the question!

The 3 steps for finding your next big thing! Step #1 ask a question. 
Step #2 Think. Spend time thinking about it.
Step #3 Do what you’ve thought of.  

Ask.  Think.  Do.  Repeat.

This is the process in all it’s beautiful simplicity. Even doing each of these things your entire life. Which means you don’t have to learn anything new. You don’t need to change the way you currently operate. Do you merely have to give yourself permission to ask the right questions and the time to work toward the resolution. Sometimes her a question will come to you after some careful market analysis. Sometimes it will occur in a blinding flash of insight. Sometimes it will happen while you’re working with something you think should work better than it does. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter how it begins. What matters is how it ends. And as long as you’re willing to put some time and energy into finding the right answers, those answers will come to you.  Sooner or later, they will certainly come. The answers you need a ride around the corner. They want to be found. So go find them!

One of the biggest problems with creative thought is that it isn’t tangible, and a lot of it leads to dead ends. Unfortunately, many of us feel that in order to be productive, we have to look productive. This is true for many things, want to comes to innovation, the only way to have a great idea as to allow ourselves time for concentrated, thoughtful reflection.

Creative thought can happen absolutely anywhere, as long as you give your brain permission to wander. Sometimes ideas come slowly, over a period of weeks or even months as we turn things over and over in our heads. Sometimes they come as flashes of insight. Sometimes even wake us up out of our sleep! But they overwhelmingly come when we’re not distracted by some other thought intensive task and therefore able to devote all of our mental energy to letting our minds do their thing. So even if it’s go-go go during the workday, you still can find time to come up with remarkable, game changing innovations for both your professional and personal life anytime you want! All you need to do is relax and let your mind wonder. That’s the secret! If you want to speed up the creative process, all you need to do is slow down.

Keep in mind that relaxing doesn’t always mean that you’re leaving your mind open for creative thoughts to flow in. More and more, relaxing has come to involve distracting ourselves with other activities that keep our brains engaged like watching television, playing video games, staring at our smart phones. These things aren’t bad, but they prevent us from thinking about innovative solutions because were thinking instead of whatever it is that we’re doing.

The biggest barrier to your limitless creativity is your cell phone

We live in a world that now allows for endless ways to distract ourselves with a single click or push of a button or a swipe of the finger. These distractions are usually enjoyable and often necessary to help us decompress from our busy lives. But that doesn’t change the fact that while we’re distracted, we’re unable to let our minds Chipaway at the challenges we are facing were the opportunities we like to take advantage of. For many of us, this is the biggest stumbling block to enhance his enhancing our creative problem-solving ability. All of us believe that we are masters of multitasking, that we can do five things at once without sacrificing speed or skill in anyway. But we’re lying to ourselves. Our brains focus on one thing at a time before moving onto the next thing, that’s why texting while driving is so dangerous, because were simply not good at doing both things at once. That’s true even if you’ve managed never to have an accident while texting and driving! The point is, if you’re keeping your brain occupied with distractions weather for work or pleasure, you’re not going to be able to find the answers you’re looking for. But is soon as you give yourself the time to think, you’ll find yourself drowning in more ideas than you know what to do with!

4 ways to help you speed up by slowing down

  1. Keep your devices out of immediate reach. Studies have shown that one of the best ways to reduce snacking at the office is to simply place the snacks out of arms reach. The same is true for smart phones, tablets and other technological toys. We trained ourselves to reach for them when we have nothing else to do so if they’re not within reach, you might decide sometimes to just sit there and to think about whatever questions you’re struggling with.
  2. Go for a walk. In addition to being good for you, getting up and moving around also stimulates our brains. This will be even more effective if your walk is to somewhere you’ve been before. For hiking along in a mountain pass, you’re probably spend most of your energy thinking about the new scenery. And if you’re walking around your block at home, you’ll be more inclined to let your brain wander in the directions that lead to innovative ideas. Go for a walk. In addition to being good for you, getting up and moving around also stimulates our brains. This will be even more effective if your walk is to somewhere you’ve been before. You’re hiking along in a mountain path, you’re probably spend most of your energy thinking about the new scenery. And if you’re walking around your block at home, you’ll be more inclined to let your brain wander in the directions that lead to innovative ideas.
  3. Schedule a dinner time conversation. If you’re in the habit of eating dinner with friends or family, then you’re probably in the habit of talking to them. Suppose your question to them and make that your dinner time conversation topic.
  4. Listen to music instead of watching television. Television requires us to pay attention to a story or plot, which uses up the mental energy we might otherwise be spending I’m thinking about innovative solutions to our questions. Listening to music, on the other hand, stimulates a different area of the brain that allows our thoughts to flow more or less interrupted.  


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