
Take Time For YOU

1. Focus on your goals. Day in and day out we get grind. When do you focus on your goals and take time aside to work on them? Who do you have that can make sure your keeping up on your goals? Do you have someone you can relate to to help out each other? 2. Take time solo. There's nothing like taking a day and having a solo day to just have a date with yourself and get to know yourself better. 3. Start your day with gratitiude. Have you really said how grateful you are to be alive? When you spend time for you, sometimes taking life in and appreciating the little things about being alive sometimes makes up feel joy. 4. Indulge a ittle bit. Always remember that taking itme to enjoy something that makes you happy is worth it. Everything in moderation is key. Balance is everything. Keep your eyes peeled to find more self love in your life. As we stick to our goals, keep your senses open for times that you see yourself or life differently. Moments when we relfec

You Should Take This to Heart

Pulse is one of the most important factors to tracking your health. It's important to monitor it on a daily basis. Taking a look at your Resting Heart Rate is when you are asleep and depending on the BPM this number can act as a good indicator to preventing many at risk diseases. Heart Disease is the #1 killer in the US and in the world can can be prevented just by changing some lifestyle factors like cutting out drinking soda and alcohol, eliminating smoking, portion control and maybe adding in more fruits and vegeatbles and eliminating fried, processed foods can also help our artieries, viens and essentially our heart. Along with incoorporating exercise, changing your lifestyle to improve your heart health is something everyone should take to heart.

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Did you know that the body makes up 2/3 of your body? Normal hydration levels is essential for your body to be in tip top shape. Everything from body temperature, regulating digestion, transporting oxygen to your organs and cells and so much more has to do with proper hydration levels and I bet you that you are dehydrated right now. Believe it or not, staying hydrated can help you lose weight and being dehydrated has a severe impact on mental abilities and cognitive focus. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, poor skin elasticity and decreased joint mobility. It's not about how much water you drink but how much water you retain! When you drink water, it remains in the stomach for 10 minutes before being absorbed into the large intestines. If you drink on an empty stomach or between meals it takes about 20 minutes for the large intestines to absorb. IF YOU HAVE FOOD IN YOUR STOMACH OR INTESTINES, THE TIME IT TAKES FOR YOUR BODY TO PROCESS THE LIQUID YOU DRINK INCREASES.

Calorie Intake

Calorie Intake is a number of calories your body gets from food and drinks. In other words, it's the volume of energy your body gains during digestion. The full overall energy you gain is when the digestion process is complete. That is why it is SO CRUCIAL that you take probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes. It takes 5-6 hours for the body to completely digest food although we can feel the effects of food (sugar spike or carb intake) almost instantly. By tracking your calories it can give you additional information regarding label reading and how important that is for anyone to understand their body and make a coorect food program that works with them. Everyone digest food differently so we are all different when it ocmes to our food programs. but, heres some tips before you go to keep you enlightened about this topic. 1. Fat is an organic compound which consists of glycerol and fatty acids, needed to produce and maintain the body's energy reserves. 2. Protein

Controlling your Energy Balance

Energy balance is measuring how much energy you take in vs. how much energy you give out. Throughout the day is is vey important to track your energy levels in order to measure out an even balance. Energy balance can help aid with weight loss loss as many apps like MYFITPAL can track your meals and calories but even better, a fitness tracker can calculate your glucose levels so naturally can tell how many calories you've taken in and how many you've burned. Optimal energy is what the focus should be so at the end of the day the number should be 0 unless of course you're trying to lose weight then the # should be -0 or gaining weight which the # should be +0. Lifestyle facotrs such as sleeping, activities, exercise, hydration and emotional state all play an important role in your overall energy.

Why Stress Management is Crucial for Quality of Life

Stress is a body's reaction to positive or negative events pushing one out of comfort. A stress reaction is a natural mechanism of adaptation to any changes, not necessarily caused by our motions. It can be provoked for example by enviornment, others around you, unexplained circumstances or occurances that happen. Whatever the culprit, the body spends time being used up by this excessive stress. Followed with tiredness, insomnia, focus deficit, decreased efficiency, and many other negative effects. In order to moderate stress it is very easy to do so by having a fitness tracker that can measure your stress on a 1-5 scale and that way you can manage your stress before it gets out of control. It is very important to note that the impact your body has when too much stress has occured. Your body will be drained of it's resources so be more mondfull of where your stress comes fromand track or journal your thoughts.

The Importance of Sleep

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) is a light sleep stage ieal to wake up feeling refreshed and well rested. The stage is characterized by a random movement of eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body, occurence of vivid dreams. By monitoring your sleep patterns this can identify when you are in a REM state as well as any distrubances thorughout the night that could be casuing sleep delay. By measuring your sleep on a daily, weekly and monthly basis this can be a serious game changer to help those needing help in balancing their time managment to dedicate more time to sleeping. Exercise can definetly help with sleep as well as Magnesium and Melatonin taken 30 minutes before bed. Limiting caffiene and alcohol as well as prioitizing time to really focus on sleep is very important.