Mind Hacking

 Research shows that food suppressions is a very poor dietary strategy.  The more you suppress thoughts about food, the more likely you are to struggle with cravings and binge eating.  While you can't always control your thoughts, you CAN control your actions.  And, before you act on desires, remember your goal.  

Self control is at its highest in the morning and that it steadily declines as the day wears on.  This willpower muscle is the same reserve in ourselves as compared to making big purchases, resisting temptations, fighting off emotional impulses, keeping distractions at bay and finishing difficult talks.

When was the last time you had a willpower workout to train your self control?

The harder you try to banish the vision of a temptation there is a trigger in your mind that creates a monster to fuel that temptation until you give in.  Example:  you're trying to fall asleep and you can't because the ice cream in the freezer is calling your name.

Accepting and recognizing these cravings and feelings gives us a break once in a while.  But to over indulge?  NO WAY!!!!  Go with the ebb and flow in life but don't fall into the trap of following the bandwagon and eating beer and pizza because everyone else is.  Stick to your goals, moral values and ethical code to yourself and focus on the bigger picture of the here and now.


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