Will You Do Me a Favor?

Next time you have a pic taken of yourself, instead of focusing on what you don't like or still want to change by picking apart your flaws society convinces you to have, will you instead focus on what you love?

How radical and empowering is that?  Your mind can shift from what you don't like to what you do like if you just take a look at all that you have to feel grateful for and how amazing you are from within.  Notice your confidence building strength and the resilience you'll take hold to not allow negativity to take over and create a softness about you that will allow your aura to grow.  

When we stop wishing for the things that we don't have and remind ourselves of all the greatness we do have then inside we agree from our whole being that we are not perfect and were ok with it.  In fact, more happiness will arrive in your life because the acceptance factor of being who you are will open up and unlimited possibilities will take place.

You can do and be anything you set your mind to but it all starts with your mind.  Challenge yourself to not overthink and do simply do the best you can do today.


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