Quarantine Feelings

It's impossible to put into words what a crazy time we are living in right now.  And while it may be a great time for funny memes and a fun staycation for some, it's an incredibly difficult and stressful time for so many.

Like so many of you out there, my job as a trainer at my fitness facility took a major hit.  And the uncertainty of the months to come really began to sink in.  But that's ok because how are we suppose to act in times like these?  There is no roadmap for this.

Training my clients has stopped but my comfort at home and with my friends and family has increased and although I'm up in the middle of the night worried about where this world is headed, I've definitely kept my anxiety and depression in check.

My recent thoughts...

What about the parents that are struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills?

What about the children who's school was their safe place?

What about abuse victims now stuck at home with heir abusers?

What about business owners having to make impossible decisions about their team?

What about the elderly and "at risk" being separated from their families?

What about all the medical staff who put their lives at risk to help us?

The heaviness hits me at times just like it does for a massive amount of people around the world.  But then my tears turn into tears of hope.  Because in this moment of unprecedental struggle, were also seeing our friends, families and communities come together to support each other like we've never seen before.  We're given a chance to see the true beauty and power of our connectedness and of human kindness that has never been seen before.  

I've been though enough hardship in my life to know that this too will pass and we will come out of this stronger and more compassionate than ever before.

So if you are struggling today, please don''t be afraid to feel through everything during this time.  Cry if you need to cry.  Laugh if you need to laugh.  Let yourself be human.  Reach out for support.  Because we are all in this together and we will find our way though this.  One day at a time.  One step after the other.


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