How to Conserve Your Energy

Don't ever give permission to another person or give your energy away especially to those that don't deserve it.  

Every time you're wasting energy on another person that doesn't deserve your energy, you're actually diminishing your existence, lowering your immune system and not giving yourself permission or ability to experience life to the fullest.  You deserve to live life on your terms and live freely and openly in a body that exudes love and happiness.

You will always be "too much" for some and "not enough" for others.  Let others love you but most importantly love yourself first.

People will come and go in your life and change is inevitable so let go of what doesn't serve you anymore and accept all that surrounds you which is good and serves as a blessing in your life.  You are more than enough as you are right now but you have to believe it in yourself first.

Your journey is the experience of the process so open up and live it.


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