How to Accurately Measure Your Body Fat Using a Caliper Tool

Skin fold measurement, the scientific approach to the time honored "pinch an inch" method.  This is still a very useful, easy and practical way to measure body fat even today, since most fat on the body is stored directly under the skin.  The body fat caliper instrument has been shown effective in many clinical studies and trials to be closer in accuracy to "the golden standard" of underwater weighting than any of the more elaborate and costly methods of measuring body fat.  The good news is that the body fat caliper is very easy to use.  You can now obtain fairly accurate readings on your body fat level in the complete privacy of your home.  

Step 1 

The spot you use for a skin fold measurement is the supra iliac, which is located roughly one inch above the point of your right hipbone.  To find it easily, put your left index finger on the point of your right hipbone and move up one inch.

Step 2

Make sure the slide on the curved part of the fat caliber is moved all the way to the right.  Place caliper in your right hand.

Step 3

While standing pinch the suprailiac skin fold between your left thumb and index finger gently but firmly.

Step 4

Place the jaws of the body fat caliper over the skinfold about a quarter of an inch from your left thumb and index finger while continuing to pinch.  The caliber heads should be a halfway between the crest and base of the fold.  The instrument should be perpendicular to the skinfold.  

Step 5

Press with the right thumb where indicated on the caliper until you feel a light "Click."  Once you feel the "click" release the jaws of the caliper and record the reading in millimeters.  

Step 6

Repeat 3 times and use the average as your body fat measurment.  Refer to the relevant BMI Wheel in your Body Transformation Kit to determine your body fat percentage.

Measurement Tips

1.  Make sure your skin is dry and lotion free.

2.  If you're obese, the skinfold measurment method is not an ideal way to determine your body fat level.  Instead, you could use the tape measure method.

3.  Don't take measurments after physical activity or when you are overheated.  The added fluid under the skin may increase the skinfold thickness.  

4.  To monitor changes in the body fat level reliably, we recommend that you take readings at the same time of the day using the same caliper.

5.  If you are female, avoid measuring during your menstrual cycle.

6.  Some experience may be necessary to consistency pinch the skinfold in a correct manner.  It is true what they say "practice makes perfect!"

7.  There are more elaborate methods of measuring body fat using the caliper.  We encourage you to explore the internet for more information.


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