A Few Ideas To Feel Calmer

A lot of people can feel the tension and stressed during the holiday season so I wanted to share a few natural remedies I use that helps me cope and relax anytime.

1.  Quiet Your Mind
Yoga and meditation for me in nature always does the trick.  Especially if it's in the sun for 10-15 minutes.  When you can feel a stressor start to build i your mind, quiet your thoughts by going for a stroll or keeping your body moving while in nature.  Heightening your senses while being outdoors is such a soothing way to stop my "monkey mind."

2.  Massage Your Self
LOL...No I don't mean masturbating HAHA I'm just referring to a good old mind and body check in with yourself.  Where in your body has chronic pain and hurts and you've just let it slide?  Your back?  Your hands?  Maybe taking a hot bath while massaging your temples and ears or even sit in a jacuzzi or sauna and allow your entire body to just speak up to allow yourself to actively say which areas need to be tended to the most.

3.  Have your Own Space In Your Home
Even if you have kids, are married or even have pets that you care for.  Make sure you have a sacred space for JUST YOU that everyone knows and respects this as your sacred space.  This space allows you to relax, practice your deep breathing and even have a safe haven that you can go to when you need some alone time.

Hope these ideas spark a little more mindfulness in you to reach out and find a new way to calm your nerves.  Happy relaxing everyone!


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