5 Ways to Boost Your Esteem

With all of life's pressures, it's easy to fall into the "I'm not good enough" trap.
BUT...Here I am to the RESCUE!!!  Here are some of my favorite ways to add more pep to my step and boost my confidence and esteem.

1.  Shift Thinking
When we speak, the words we use allows us to express how we feel on the inside.  A shift in thinking to a more positive and easy going approach can help self doubt to wash away and allow emotions and feelings to flow more freely in and out instead of our heads instead of harboring and challenging ourselves into disbelief.

2.  Focus on Abundance
Low self-confidence often goes hand in hand with mentality of scarcity.  In other words, when we thing we don't have enough of one particular "thing" than that feeling actually can begin to build into toxic thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.  Instead, focus of abundance and what you do have so is allow gratefulness in positive waves to come in and insecurities to fade out.

3.  Assert your Right to Thrive
Most of us are challenged with a feeling of incompetence, which often leads to unwillingness to advocate ourselves.  Take small baby step actions and explore which things and what habits make you feel your best.  Taking tiny steps instead of huge changes that allow us to feel overwhelmed and instead be more adaptable to tiny steps and therefore more assertive to change.

4.  Make Affirmations
When we use realistic coping statements instead of totally exaggerated affirmations then this is reassuring us that we can handle it.  Use a statement that places your fear into a perspective affirmation just to wake you up and help you go about your dat to your upmost best.

My Top 3 Affirmations

A.  I Have a Champion mindset
B.  You have so much to be grateful for
C.  I have so much potential to give to others

5.  Allow for Vulnerability
Fear is what we often hits us the hardest which is the opposite actually.  It is in fact how we connect with others and when one person can read your emotion that typically that person reflects that emotion back in a mirrored reflection but in their own way of showing that emotion at that time.  But if you say how you feel and are authentic and real to being true then the person can relate instead of perceive your emotion which can create a more bonding and trusting relationship between two people.  Living with authenticity takes a weight off of your shoulders and those around you so then they can be closer to you because your already comfortable with vulnerability.


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