10 Reason Why It's Not Your Fault You Have No Control Over Your Weight

I'm going way past the average BMI or thermodynamic equation here-and while still losing or gaining weight, to a large extent, is about good diet, exercise and lifestyle factors; theres so many other factors in a human to consider....So....lets take a look at 10 of them.

1.  Genes
As well know what we are given at birth by our biological parents is hereditary.  Some people need to work harder than others to maintain the same body weight.  Certain genes increase the risk for insulin resistance and some genes are not prone to being "hardwired."

2.  Environmental Pollution
Exposure to pollution can cause the lungs to work harder and cause more inflammation in the body which can inhibit and disrupt certain endocrine pathways and damage fat-burning mitochondria.

3.  Inflammation
Why would inflammation be associated with weight gain?  Obese individuals are more prone to having heart and brain disorders, as well as more inflammatory episodes throughout the body.  Being obese can cause leptin resistance and interfere with caloric expenditure that exercise would prompt.

4.  Microbiome
The bugs that are in our gut have a profound impact on the weight we gain.  Probiotics, foods that encourage good bacteria to grow in our gut can help us lose weight.  A lot of stress in our daily lives can cause the good bacteria to stop producing and also things like smoking, alcohol, processed foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners can read havoc on our microbiome.

5.  Allergy
Theres actually a direct connection between us suffering with allergies and weight gain.  Food allergens are a direct culprit.  Elimination diets are helpful to place a direct link on whats causing inflammation in the body.

6.  Nutritional Deficiency
Not eating enough calories can cause cosequences in the body such as weight gain.  The body goes into a "shock" and stops a lot of natural cycles and even starts to eat itself (catabolic) when it's not getting enough calories to fuel the body.

7.  Hormones
Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, common in women, and drives fat accumulation to the body.  Low T is associated with men and belly fat and loss of muscle mass.  Estrogen dominance in premenopausal women which promotes fat buildup around the hips, though and upper arms.  And finally, insulin resistance, fueled by excess carbs is a major stumbling block for dieters.

8.  Stress
Adrenaline is the short term hormone that pumps energy in our body and also cortisol is the long term hormone over time that breaks havoc on trying to lose weight.  Chronic stress is among a lot of us.  It raises blood pressure, blood sugar, and promotes insulin resistance which causes a lot of excess fat deposits in the body.  We all can reduce stress in many ways wether yoga, mediation, going for a walk, taking a vacation which can actually help us catch up on sleep and promote weight loss.

9.  Medications
Many medication can impede weight loss but there are other medications that can do the opposite.  Medications like antidepressants, fibromyalgia and many can affect the gut and mocrobiome in a lot of ways.

10.  Dieting
Being aggressive with calorie restricting in time will actually do the opposite and gain back even more if not treated properly.  Maintaining a healthy weight and not worrying about the number on the scale has so many long term benefits.


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