Exercising to Relax and Help Lower Stress

The end of the month is always a time of chronic worrying about financial situations right?

Stress is a hard wired system in our bodies that we once used for survival, but it's not a daily occurrence that triggers our fight-or-flight response which releases catholic hormones that are wreaking havoc on our health.

Thankfully, by exercising and placing a form of physical activity in our daily lives this can reverse the damages that chronic stress places on our bodies.

Benefits of Exercising:

Releases Endorphins: When you exercise your brain releases endorphins which is a feel-good chemical.  Endorphins help to alleviate stress by helping us relax, reduce pain and improve our mood.

Alleviate Emotional and Physical Symptoms: 

Exercise helps your overall mindset while reducing physical symptoms from stress such as anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Decreases Risk of Cardiovascular Issues:  Chronic stress causes high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease.  Exercise is one of the best ways to stop the progression of cardiovascular illnesses and reverse the damage.

Ways to Help Alleviate Stress:

Get Moving

Breathing Exercises

Take a Class

Get Into Nature


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