Break Free From Anxiety

More than 40% of the population in the US deals with chronic anxiety attacks on a daily basis.

 Lets think about some ways to tame this racing thoughts shall we...

1.  Take more Vitamin B

It's an emotional health booster and can help to stabilize your mind from going into panic mode and more into a relaxation mode.  I like to get Vitamin B shots every now and then to boost my mode and help alleviate any big stressors coming up.

2.  Stick to your Decision Making
One of the things I find that really helps me with being confident and standing my grounds is "sticking to my guns" when I've made a decision and not backing out of it.  This helps the outcome of any idle thoughts that may occur in the mind when too much worry is going on around decision making.

3.  Have a Health Morning and Nighttime Routine
The best way by far that has ever helped me get my mind on a more balanced level is to always get up in the morning and go to bed at the same time.  I generally rise around 5:30am and go to bed around 9pm and have not broken that habit for the last year or so.  This has alleviated any stress, worry or anxiety BIG TIME!

4.  Let Go of Things That Don't Serve You
Worrying constantly and not "letting go" of certain situations can definitely build complatency in our mind which reads havoc on our body to go into constant stress, worry and anxiety mode.  By letting go it is releasing our ability to try and control everything.  We can't control anything except our emotions and how we handle ourselves in this world.

5.  Track Anxiety Attacks in Your Journal
I've always had a journal.  Very important those nights I can't sleep and my mind is going million miles a minute.  By tracking any kind of emotional "ups and downs" that we might be going through this can help us understand ourselves more clearly.

6.  Fake it Till You Make it
When you feel yourself going on a downward spiral be sure to have a few spare ideas in your head to try and have some fun in life.  Anxiety is almost a warning signal that depression is on it's way so if you bring out that little fun child inside of you and find ways to enjoy life more, I promise you that you'll thank yourself down the road for acting like such a goofball when you needed it most.


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