Winning 1st Place in Figure Masters 35+ at the World Physique Championship in Las Vegas

The energy, time and teamwork it takes to put on a production is astounding. 

 Nevertheless, all of the people I meet and bond with is unsurmountable also.

It gives me great pride to have won 1st place in Figure last night and along with my “team of people”  it all came together looking my best. 

My love goes out to my trainer Michael Healea, my Fitness Family Team Platinum Physiques LV, My MUA Nikolina Ivanova Of Glam Sophisticated, My Bikini Designer Saleyla, My Chef Dina Cravero-Varjas from Silverspoon Chefs, My Sponsors Egg Whites International - The Official Site Prime Kinetix and LoL 😘Gene Woods Racing Experience.  

It’s incredible all the people who help me turn my talent into an art.

But, after all is said and done everyone who see me in “Social Media World” and on the outside world and especially outside of the gym it makes the biggest impact in my life for me to continue as a Bodybuilder.  

Outside looking in always be grateful and in my heart it is unimaginably full right now.  This place I hold my head up high and be proud.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  

The WPC World Physique Championship Team was incredible.  I’d like to thank the sensational photographer Terry Goodlad and so many others who put their heart and soul into this show.

This weekend also marked 3 years training with my coach and the unfortunate passing of my grandfather so it’s been quite a rollercoaster indeed.

But, it Monday folks.  And I’m back bright and early today back to training at 9:30.  I’m back at the office getting to work.  

Stay humble, stay hungry and 😋 Time to eat!

So...when is my next competition?  To be continued.....


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