Train Your Body Not To Gain Weight

The 3 Day Reset

It’s not just calories in and calories out but more about a 3 day reset for maintenance.

Many of us have many days and nights that in is stressful on our gut and for life day in and day out just maintaining a healthy gut microbiome can be challenging.

Start with no processed foods, gluten or artificial sweeteners.  Anything that sends an instant gut bomb that can cause serious inflammation and leaky gut is where a juice cleanse or colonic can help you clear the colon out naturally.

I don’t eat grain, pasta, rice or any processed foods for my sensitive gut issues but most importantly, I never take any diuretics that make healing unbearable.  Taking a more manageable approach by using alternative and natural things like rest, teas, juices going for a walk, breathing, meditation, colonics, probiotics and prebiotics, eating more salads, whole food fiber, good high fat content with an added protein here and there is just a step into going into the right direction to asses and acclimate a homeostasis climate in the body that can build a sustainable environment to thrive in.

Look at the inside of your body like a thriving rainforest that needs all sorts of cycling in order for new life to begin.  What would you add to it?  What would you feed it?  Take a look deep at all the toxic things that you put in your body and try to reassess a more holistic or natural approach.

Reset.  Rebalance.  Restore


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