Keep Moving As Far Away From Average As Possible.

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

In the world you know lays out everything perfectly.  How to think and act and what’s possible and what’s enough.  Just enough to get through the day. 

That’s not enough for me....

Victory lays outside of your daily routines and actions that are rarely taken and in a world you don’t know.

Risks are required and turning your back on normal and stop following your trail to embark on more weight on your shoulders that will give you the best hat life has to offer.

Keep moving as far away from average as possible.  Expect expectations again and again and again.  Seek out what you don't know and look at unfamiliarity everyday until you’re breathing life to the fullest.

This is how you create a life worth living.

The life you're living is a mirage and in the shadows that no one knows is where you’ll discover the best version of yourself.


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