How Much Food Are We Eating Every Year?

In 1980 the US total food consumption per person per year was 1335 pounds in 2009, the total food consumption per person rose to 1474 pounds per person per year. 1980 and under 30 years the average person eats 139 more pounds of food in a year. On average, that is 6 ounces more food each day. That’s approximately the weight of a large apple, although let’s be real for most people, that means eating an extra 10 chicken nuggets, couple cheeseburgers or a few bags of chips every single day. Since this totals 4 pounds of food on average per day let’s break that down into what that is today!  

25% dairy 
22% processed vegetables 
16% processed fruits 
12% meats 
9% grains
 8% fresh fruit
 4% fresh vegetables 
3% oil 
1% sweeteners nuts or others

2011 that rose to 1,996 lbs per year and now its 3,336 lbs of food that on average one person eats in 1 year!

Enough sad ðŸ˜¢ 


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