Haven’t Worked Out Forever? Here’s How To Get Back Into It.

We’ve all been there one way or another.  Maybe you’re in recovery mode or just getting back into it or maybe “life” is just getting in the way...ya feel me?

Whatever the case, get your daily fitness fitness back on track and here’s some tips that may just help you.

1.  Define your WHY.  That why has to be further than just transforming yourself or losing weight.  It has to be something that has already motivated and inspired you before fitness was in the picture.  Use that to get through the hard days.  

2.  Feed your body the right fuel.  Simple yet effective is having a daily fitness routine be a part of your life following by fueling your body with the right food to fuel your exercise effectively.

3.  Find your Accountability Partners and create an Accountability Team to create your goals to excellerate into action.

4.  Create your fitness and nutrition routines to be created around goals.  Those goals will eventually evolve into a more common sustainable outcome to move into a level of normalcy.  Don’t be afraid to go slow, give yourself time to rest and not be afraid to “go easy” on your workout as you (cough) get older and you feel a little rusty.

5.  Go at your own pace and don’t compare yourself to anyone else except yourself.  We’re all in a battle to improve from where we were yesterday so don’t catch yourself looking at what others have when others are probably looking at you and thinking the same.  Just keep going. 

I’m proud of you.


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