What kind of Seed are you planting?

Our responsibility in life is to respect our human nature.  What if you don’t know your nature?  What sets you apart from everyone else?  

What is it like in the day of being you?  Nurture your nature by expressing who you are to the world.  Self confidence and reflecting off what and who you are makes you beautiful.  You don’t have to adjust like everyone else or see yourself changing for others in order for others to lift up your spirits to know exactly who you are.  Know inside that you are already amazing.

Transform the world around you to view your world differently.  Maybe you won’t transform overnight but little tiny seeds that you plant (giving others compliments, opening the door for someone) will eventually grow your tiny light into a big up and coming new person and that is where feeling in alignment with ourselves is how you have nurtured your nature to make sense of just letting go.

Spread and ripple your joy.  

How would you like to become?  

How do you want people to remember you by?

Are you the person who hoped and dreamed you’d become 10 years ago?


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