What is your WHY?

What makes you move forward?  What keep you going no matter what?  Who do you think you are deep down inside when you remember people behind your why?

Keep going don’t stop.  There further and farther and greater you push the more you will believe in yourself.

Nourish yourself and watch yourself grow.  Take care of yourself first to help others.  Give yourself time to rest and don’t take no for an answer. 

Make you a priority and make yourself a meaningful truth to face reality at your best.  Everyday without a doubt be in state of saying thank you and feeling grateful.   

Don't be afraid of your fears.  You have to at least embrace what you can and there is only so much you can complete and control.  So why worry?  Why be in a state of be depression when you know that you are better than that?  I believe in you.

Take your stress and make it an advantage to where you can embrace it.  Turn it on and use it.  Use it to become sharper or think more or learn more and get better.  Use your stress as a catalyst to make yourself better.


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