Technology is good for the environment...bad for the waistline?

Did you know that on average Americans spend at least 8 hours in front of a screen of some sort?  I'm just as guilty.

Compared to 2003, this rate is growing rapidly and it's among not just youngsters but seniors also.

Think about how much Online Shopping you do?  Not having to drive your car or leave your home is freaking awesome.

How many hours do you spend looking at a screen everyday?

Yes, it's convenient to shop online except the fact that people are moving less.  We barely have to get in our cars to drive let alone leave our homes and laziness becomes a way of life to jest early press a button.

We barely communicate to get to know our community or neighbors anymore like I feel people were back when there was no social media, which I feel like also disconnects us to rely on social media all because our lives are consumed looking at a screen.

Adults ages 18-24 spend 70% more time at home compared to when adults ages 18-24 in 2003!

When you sit and are sedentary that much, you can guess that the body isn't moving at the normal way it should be and well, yea...weight gain, poor posture, laziness are just a few of the issues that happen because of this result.

Technology may be good for the environment because were not having to drive anywhere anymore, but, ultimately it is also bad for the waistline.  Don't forget to take as many steps as you can by grocery shopping and parking further away.  Participate in a weekly activity that has some type of vigorous activity to it and remember to just turn off that screen and go outside.

Let me help you balance your life away from the screen and more on your waistline!


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