Summer...time to nourish the Fire Element!

Summer season corresponds to the Fire element in Chinese medicine.  There are a number of foods and herbs that will restore the fire element in our bodies.

Garlic is one of the most beneficial goods that we can eat during summer season.  Garlic purifies the blood and thus helps the heart.  Buying locally grown garlic that is super fresh is our best option.

Herbs that promote the Fire element and benefit the circulatory system and the small intestine includes licorice root, ginger root. and fenugreek and fennel seeds.  These can be steeped in a tea to aid digestion for summer.

Cayenne pepper stimulates hear in the body and acts as a blood cleanser.  Making sun or lunar tea with herbs include Peppermint leaf, Hibiscus flowers, lemongrass, red clover blossoms, borage flowers, and chamomile flowers.

Just place the fresh herbs in a clear glass jar with water for two days/nights and then refrigerate.  Ginseng root also straightens the heart.  Prepare root in a double boiler with water so that is cooks on a low hear between 6-8 hours.  This ginseng water is a great rejuvenator to rekindle the fire spirit.


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