Separate yourself from the 99% of people

Shock people on how hard you work.  Stop looking at just “your talents” and stop there.  Keep going.  Keep grinding.  You just have to learn to harness your will and stop letting anything (including yourself) stop you.

You can and will push on.  You can and will do this for yourself.  Your family.  Your future.  Letting go of the future.  Let’s break free and find your way.  Live your life with passion and drive.

Don’t stop when something bad happens.  That’s just when things are getting juicy!  Pop your cherry LOL and find out the real nature of your life.  Watch how you can blossom and can bring your happiness to fruition by nurturing and expressing yourself.

So, I’ve separated myself from a lot of people in my life to get to this point.  I’ve spent time alone.  By myself.  Away from everything else that distracts me to get down hard core to reality with myself.

 You too, have to face your reality when you’re alone and you feel alone.  Purge out your past emotions.  Detox your past aggressions that have fueled your Depression.

Awaken your spirit to be like no one else but yourself.  


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