Keeping your Cool this Summer!

1.  Whole-house fans help cool you by pulling cool air through the house and exhausting warm air through the attic.  MAKE SURE YOUR ATTIC IS WELL VENTILATED OR A LOT OF HOT AIR WILL BE CAUGHT IN YOUR ATTIC AND BE VERY DIFFICULT TO COOL.

2.  Don't place your lamps or TV sets near your air conditioning thermostat.  The thermostat senses hear from these appliances.  This is something that is often overlooked!

3.  Plant a lot of leafy shrubs to offer shade around your home that can cool you off or have several indoor plants that bring in extra oxygen and create a better air flow throughout your home.

4.  Make sure your A/C vents are clean and filters are replaced every year.  Another good tip to stay cool is make sure that no large items are blocking your A/C vents.  Having your A/C vents clean and free to flow clean air around the home can make a HUGE difference.

5.  Insulate, double pane and tint your windows and insulate your attic.  Poorly insulated windows that are not double paned or tinted very easily can creep in hot air not only making it impossible to cool off your home but your A/ C bills can triple because of not investing in good windows.  Also having a poorly insulated attic will overwork your fans and A/C and literally make a "night and day" difference, trust me!

The last thing you want is to be up at night and unable to sleep because it is so hot and especially your pets, plants and kids will thank you also!


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